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the header doesnt fit with the header bg.
looking at the number of threads, the warez section is not as good as you say, neither is the vip. try to sort that out if possible or just hide your vip section from members and guests...

overall 6/10
The logo+top menu is filling whole screen of my monitor and then your chatbox. Need a lot of verticle scroll till getting actual content. It is a little bit iritating
I got a bunch of skins installed and will filter our and put a good one on top.
some people like they current one , so i'll keep it around.
1. Remove all the skins and keep one. At the moment you need to re-install the default theme as they all suck. + the logo's do

2. The donation section at the top, remove it as you luck desperate!

3. If your a wresting forum, why have a section for warez. Its just not needed.

4. Remove the scrolling text at the top and put it into a notice. Will look better.

5. The forums are all messed up. Sort out the catagories and move some things into each other to clean it up.

6. Remove the backgrounds of the usernames, looks messy.

.... i really could just keep going on lol. Sort some of those things out and get back to us.
danny.. I would say one fucked up review.

well i've changed the logo and need some assistance fixing the subforum thing.

let me know what you think about the new logo guys.
What can i say, most of my user love it.
Since I don't have any Katz traffic or DDL sites.

Most of my traffic is from Sites who require you to sign up.
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