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Active Member
Hi, the wordpress header on my site is not loading. It used to work but after some problems with vps its not.

Here is my code from the header:
<?php global $zbench_options; ?>
<div id="wrapper"<?php if($zbench_options['left_sidebar']==TRUE) echo ' class="LorR"'; ?>>
<div id="header"><?php $logo=''; if($zbench_options['logo_url']!='') $logo=' class="header_logo" style="background:url('.$zbench_options['logo_url'].') no-repeat 0 0"'; ?>
<h1<?php if($zbench_options['hide_title']!='') echo ' class="hidden"'; ?>><a href="<?php echo home_url('/'); ?>"<?php if($logo) echo $logo; ?>><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
		<h2<?php if($logo || $zbench_options['hide_title']!='') echo ' class="hidden"'; ?>><?php bloginfo('description');?></h2>
		<div class="clear"></div>
		<?php if ( get_header_image() != '' ) : ?>
		<div id="header_image">
			<div id="header_image_border">
				<a href="<?php if($zbench_options['header_image_url']!='') { echo $zbench_options['header_image_url']; } else { echo home_url('/'); } ?>"><img src="<?php header_image(); ?>" width="<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH; ?>" height="<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT; ?>" alt="" /></a>
		<?php endif; ?>

Here is a screen from WP admin panel:


Thank you for any advice..​
Probably there's a problem in your functions.php. Since you're using an admin panel for your theme is hard to know what is going on without testing.

The best, and the easiest solution for now is:
<?php global $zbench_options; ?>
<div id="wrapper"<?php if($zbench_options['left_sidebar']==TRUE) echo ' class="LorR"'; ?>>
<div id="header"><?php $logo=''; if($zbench_options['logo_url']!='') $logo=' class="header_logo" style="background:url('.$zbench_options['logo_url'].') no-repeat 0 0"'; ?>
<h1<?php if($zbench_options['hide_title']!='') echo ' class="hidden"'; ?>><a href="<?php echo home_url('/'); ?>"<?php if($logo) echo $logo; ?>><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
        <h2<?php if($logo || $zbench_options['hide_title']!='') echo ' class="hidden"'; ?>><?php bloginfo('description');?></h2>
        <div class="clear"></div>
        <?php if ( get_header_image() != '' ) : ?>
        <div id="header_image">
            <div id="header_image_border">
               [B][COLOR=SeaGreen] <a href="<?php bloginfo('url');?>"><img src="THE URL OF THE HEADER IMAGE" width="XXX" height="XXX" alt="" /></a>[/COLOR][/B]
        <?php endif; ?>

See the changes in green text. Remember to change the informations marked with "XXX".
I tried to change the code according to you and there was loading a white page. Thats not the right solution :-) But anyways thanks. And thats not my functions.php, but header..
how do you mean not loading? you get other parts of the page loaded?
it probably has nothing to do with header code, see what the latest plugin you installed, it might cause issues
I filled the header image link and its not showing on the page, thats what i mean. And I dont know why, whats the issue. I havent change anything...
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