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Mr Happy

Active Member
Has anyone looked at the WJunction Twitter Account recently? Here are a few recent examples








The old Twitter account was suspended for what I can only presume was automated crap in which case it's only a matter of time before the current one is suspended as well. Why not just tweet the announcement topics* and then use it to post updates on the site like when the site was being DOSed over the holidays and nobody knew what was happening. The way it is currently is useless to everyone.

Another point is Google can recognize accounts. You can see this in author being displayed in search results and Matt Curtis (head of Google Web Spam) confirmed in a youtube blog a number of months ago that Google can recognize twitter accounts. This means the useless spam tweets that WJ posts on it's official account are harming the SEO as it's an official account of the site. Now I admit it's not much of an SEO influence but everything counts and I see no reason to piss of members and Google. I'd prefer to follow an account that tweets once ever 2-3 weeks than every 2-3 hours with crap.

* The Announcement Forum has it's own RSS feed which can be used instead of the general RSS feed for the site which will still allow automated tweets.
Time To ddos Twitter (y)

I saw that account and realized it was just automated and just spreading the latest posts >_>
Didn't know it would have a negative on the site or any site for that matter
nice work happy :|
Where in the Rules does it stat my title was against the rules? It was perfectly short, descriptive, eye catching, to the point and this new title has loads of stop words which is terrible for SEO, confusing and off putting.

Please restore the edited title or at least remove the crap version that replaced it. It's not ever grammatically correct now.
Obscene words aren't nice to look at, but if you feel like you must express your opinions using those words then I won't stop you.
It's quite stupid.
It's not like WJ gets 34732984734789327489237894738274289 threads in a day.
Mods should be able to post stuff manually without any automation.
Stupid is as stupid does.
I believe that the twitter account pulls WJunction's RSS feed then posts to the twitter account.

EDIT: Yeah it does :|

Ya I know it does. I said earlier it was automated. Read the small print in the first topic. It uses the default RSS feed and uses twitterfeed to tweet them but it could just use the feed for the announcements forum which is This would result in a lot less crap and make the account useful.

Every forum has it's own feed so you could pick and chose which feeds are added.
^^ Thanks for one productive post.

Yes right now its automated, and posts like:

"wtf is it needed for"
"its shit"
"just close it"

has ZERO value, that's why i hate those threads, 50 people randomly reply without any suggestions or ideas how to improve the current situation
Post the threads which have maximum views in the Tutorials section, Webmaster Resources, and probably the giveaways, to drive traffic and more views
Well I agree to Myth's idea. Infact, adding the announcement forum won't be any harm.

So forum #2 & forum #13 would be good. Add their RSS feeds to post on twitter.
Use your head and think for two seconds. My "indirect" suggestion is to remove Twitter.

Twitter is just the facebook "status" bar...without the rest of facebook.
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