WJunction seems a bit immature (the posts I see)

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Active Member
I was looking through the general section and I must say, that some of you guys are really immature. More like 12-14 years old or something. Its scary that many Warez sites are being run by preteens and such! Anyways, thats my 2 cents.
That's why it's called General Discussion. If we wanted to talk about warez-related things we'd talk about it in the warez section. Anyway I feel like most of us webmasters are too serious most of the time and sometimes we wanna joke around and talk about other things with people who understand what we're about.

We're in a recession. 2 cents isn't worth a damn.
Yeah wasn't happy about being called a pedo in the shoutbox then on msn by a member/s here, very sad, and quite honestly sick.
rofl, let the webmaster's have their joke sometimes.You don't have to be serious 100% of the time. When it come's to running a site they know exactly what to do and run it right. So what the "Scene" is getting 12 year olds. It was going to happen a some point in time.
You have 2 choices, Either stay away from them and use the ignore button, Or just get along with them :).
Yeah agreed with both the posts above, i even expected that, but not being called a child abuser for no reason for hours and continued the next day. A joke i am up for.. but that is just wrong, im sure i am not the only one who thinks this.
That's why it's called General Discussion. If we wanted to talk about warez-related things we'd talk about it in the warez section. Anyway I feel like most of us webmasters are too serious most of the time and sometimes we wanna joke around and talk about other things with people who understand what we're about.

We're in a recession. 2 cents isn't worth a damn.

If you were watching the news a bit more, you would notice that the US is already recovering. A recession is when its going downhill...

And I said immature, I didn't say NOT SERIOUS. I love to joke around, but 9th grade jokes don't cut it. Im fine with people making jokes just ones that are for a mature audience (not perverted jokes, just good ones lol).

And also, A RAP BATTLE? Really? cmon....
^ agreed with Vin and EliteHaxor.

This is not a webmasters forum. Much like a hangout spot for teens or preteens running so-called "scene" sites. These sites are not even considered a part of the "true" scene. Just go to FST, Zerosec or VCDq. They will laugh at ur donkey faces.
I don't admit being part of the scene either. Most of my sites are generating profit.... and no matter what you see in the Make Money section, Warez wasn't originally intended to be used for profit.

Anywayz, thats a whole different discussion... I still love Wjunction, and once again, you guys who think, this is how a webmaster forum should be like, honestly I will say you have never been in a webmasters forum and you belong to KatzForums rather than Wjunction.

Aside from those members, there are still some cool members here like elio, hyperz, ak47, whoo, tippie, sp32 and thats why we love wjunction <3
I have been on the scene at wj for a while now and i can tell you the Staff here are not strict enough, and so all teenagers can say what they want when they want, if the staff got stricter about the chatbox then i think we will have less disrespect towards the members, i myself will ban anyone on my site that disrespects any member, there has to be a line drawn, and when you cross that line, your banned.............but not here!
Yeah agreed with both the posts above, i even expected that, but not being called a child abuser for no reason for hours and continued the next day. A joke i am up for.. but that is just wrong, im sure i am not the only one who thinks this.

Its all in good spirit i guess.

And also, A RAP BATTLE? Really? cmon....

That is the best thread ever.
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