WJunction giveaway - 12 domains - Competition ended.

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Staff member
WJunction giveaway - 10 domains

Information in regards to the competition and how to enter is below.

Competition will open 24th December 2012 at 6:30pm UK time.
The information is as follows;

You will be required to be creative and write "I <3 WJunction" on a piece of paper. You can be as creative as you want. This competition is open for members only and respected groups only. You do not necessarily have to WRITE it, you can use whatever you want to be creative!

1st Prize: 3 domains
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th: 1 domain each

Domains are registered through namecheap.com and will be registered of the winners choice. Only dot com's.

This competition will open soon.

Remember, the more creative you are the better chances of winning 3 domains.

How to enter:
Once you have scanned or took a picture of your "I <3 WJunction" paper, post the file below using image tags. Please use imgur.com to upload your file. One entry per person. You do not necessarily require a scanner to scan your "I <3 WJunction" paper, you can take a picture of it but ensure it is of high quality. The thread will be open at 6:30pm for entries to be posted.

Members of staff will vote for the best #1 and #2 - #10 and a post will be made in this thread announcing the winners after the closing date (give 3-4 hours after closing date).
You may if you wish to. We accept the creative art itself or a picture of yourself and the creative art. It is not compulsory to take a picture of yourself too.

Members of staff will vote for the best #1 and #2 - #10 and a post will be made in this thread announcing the winners after the closing date (give 3-4 hours after closing date)."
1st entry, lets hope cuteness is a factor. Even if she is a bit photo shy. The only way to get her in a photo is to wait till she falls asleep.


Not first, was delayed pushing this button. Merry Christmas.
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Well here goes mine, don't mind the bad coloring (and lack of creativity), it's been 8 years since I have colored something with crayons. I had to search the whole house to find them. :laugh:

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