WikiLeaks Should...

WikiLeaks Should...

  • Keep doing what they're doing

    Votes: 68 68.7%
  • Put more effort indo redaction

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Stop entirely

    Votes: 12 12.1%
  • Stop focusing on government leaks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stop focusing on US leaks

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • Keep going, but stop with the drama antics

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • Spill something on

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Find a good place to hide

    Votes: 8 8.1%

  • Total voters
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Keep doing what they do! This is very important to have media like wikileaks!

Many secrets have been revealed which should be known by everyone around the world! US shouldnt go against them and they should stop the bad deeds they do :)
I voted "Stop entirely", while WikiLeaks appears to be a fun and exciting read to many people, this is actually very dangerous what they're doing.

I know the original intention is well, which is to reveal the truth, but the truth isn't always good, specially when it comes with governments. Imagine if some country found out about what another country is doing/saying/planning to them behind their back, and they found out because of those leaks. Wars, attacks, innocent people could die.

This is very risky and unnecessary, if one country has a bad reaction (ie: attack verbally/physically/cybarly) to "zomg defend honorz", it'll be a disaster.
el_jentel1@ They could continue because they are revealing all the secrets of the wrong doings of USA in Iran and other place they are playing the games of Divide And Rules.

They must continue XD!

XForce, what if Iran decides to start a war over those leaks? What if innocent country "allies" that provided confidential information and statements with the purpose of peace, but some of those statements were against another country, however, initially it's to have a tactic on how to resolve and have peace.

What happens then? innocent people die, more killing and more stupid human behaviors, we have enough of that already.

I'll take peace with lies than wars with truth any day of the week, at least then no innocent bystanders will suffer because of idiotic decisions made by the very few.
Well I guess this site won't be for long. If any government's secrets are being leaked, The first thing they would do is take down the site. They may even file a case against the owners.
Hmm! Yea but we all have the human right Right To Know the government must say everything to us!

They are violating our rights and after that they are saying that we need to stop the war! WOW!
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