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Active Member
I just wanted to ask why do most uploaders looks for sites that submit to katz ect. Because when i look for uploader at gigasharez we dont submit to DDL sites but i share their their uploads on other forums. When i used to upload i never looked for site that submit to katz but sites that spread my uploads on other forums. The only other site i have seen that dont submit their uploaders post to ddl sites but post them on other site is

So just leave your thoughts about it
ehrm... if subbmited t katz.... and you have goot * on katz.... more people view your uploads, they download it, and you get RS or MU points that u need: )

just like elite said.
Ya it's all about the points. Cyberwarez uploaders are good uploaders and do more in terms of spreading the word and advertising their site. Most other uploaders are out to get as many points as possible.
Yeah it's only recent, but yeah,

There's one catch that CW does, when they post every upload they add the password when there is no password to spam there site,

I still see your poing mash but the reason I look for forums that submit to katz is because I know for sure that the site will get traffic.
The other good thing about posting to some big site's like warez-bb is smaller sites leech off warez-bb with sharpleech and other programs so your posts and links are distributed even more which means more points.
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