Who really is behind stopfilelockers!

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I have been observing the whole situation surrounding stofilelockers.com and keeping an eye here and GFY and torrentfreak.

Here is the post that made me connect the dots > http://gfy.com/showpost.php?p=19047806&postcount=873 and http://www.mikesouth.com/avn/avn-owner-also-owns-huge-filesharing-site-6046/

The official reason for "AdultKing" going on his crusade is that he is pissed of with filelockers hosting porn and putting guys like him out of business B-)

But that's just a smokescreen, the real people behind stopfilelockers.com are wait for it... ... other file lockers, specifically the Webazilla group of filelockers (part of East European Mafia), the following sites are run and hosted at Webazilla


notice how all of these sites still have PayPal accounts... and are all hosted by Webazilla, who are Cyprus registered company registered to Russians and renting servers in Netherlands, a smoke screen for a large criminal network. There are more filehosts there, all are huge and all are on the Webazilla network.

What we have here is one group of file lockers controlled by organised criminals "taking out" other innocent filelockers and hence reducing competition!

"WebaZilla is charging at least 549 EUR monthly per server as a "special offer" the organization found out. This could be one of the most expensive web hosts in the world. They will know why."

Bundeskriminalamt has informed Netherlands police authority about child-porn sites hosted at WebaZilla, which they declined to remove. Netherlands police does not saw a chance for removal of this content, because they were "unable to proof the age of actors", a police officer said. In clear contrast to that, German police has no doubt about the fact, that actors are abused children and were upset about that reaction.
new twist/story ? wtf is this, we see new stories surfacing every hour :P too much obsessed with him ?
i guess those stories are made up by the same people who actually are behind that childish movement..
or most of them anyway.
Well the question is

why are the largest filehosts who are on Webazilla network are not being targeted and why do these all have paypal as payment option?

There is no denying that there is a large concentration of filehosting sites on Webazilla, one of them being Uploading.com which is run by a Webazilla employee.

Lets see how many of the Webazilla Group of hosts are "taken out" by adultking if any...

You registered here to post this content ?


There is no denying that this theory has weight considering that all of the Webazilla hosts are going on business as usual and all have paypal

while all around them other sites are burning...
To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised to see that guys behind this, trying to take down small file hosts are actually big file hosts in a way.

Because something doesn't make sense. Why would all small file hosts have trouble with payment processors? Obviously, you'd try to take out big fish first, no?

Surprisingly, some of big file hosts had Paypal issues but it's now back to normal.

This whole file host drama is becoming so pathetic.
Well the question is

why are the largest filehosts who are on Webazilla network are not being targeted and why do these all have paypal as payment option?

There is no denying that there is a large concentration of filehosting sites on Webazilla, one of them being Uploading.com which is run by a Webazilla employee.

Lets see how many of the Webazilla Group of hosts are "taken out" by adultking if any...

so that they are strictly and obscure people, companies.. related to the adult industry...
more people copping on to whats happening



The big tube owners were already linked before to owning some of the huge file lockers. That news was all hushed up and forgotten about.
The big tube owners run the adult industry in full. They simply want to crush out the small file lockers and other large ones they don't own. Hence driving the last of the traffic they don't control directly under their control.

These little shitty small filelockers are cannon fodder. Nothing more.. 100% include uploading.com as number 1 target now we've found out this out. I detest this manipulation it fucking stinks. Take that one down asap.

Nothing in the alexa 1000 has been taken out yet. The giant ones that would make any real difference are getting more powerful by the day now and you all think something is actually happening other than what your masters want to happen????

Paypal need to be bitch slapped here, they will take down sites not making them huge rev in 1 day for having illegal files, but leave the large ones in place. That is totally unacceptable and totally unproductive because these users all just go to the larger ones.

Let's do some research into who is really behind these giant lockers and focus on the ones that are trying to manipulate this entire game.

Pour everything into uploading.com and DF, filefactory, everyone that is an accepted filehost on this planetsuzy board. Those are the ones taking some sales.

These people have accumulated all this wealth by raping the industry and now have bought everything up even the networks and boards that are meant to be places real adult webmasters can meet, discuss and read about things that benefit the industry as a whole.

It pisses me off when people are posting in this thread when they have played a large part in this rape and pillage. Knowing that secretly they are fucking laughing at us.
This is just a cunning plan to finish XFS amateur hosting and people outside the clan of Luxemburg, OR also has connections there, but unless they fall haha :>
Oron is also part of the porn industry (and Russian owned), but the fucked up by messing with the "gay pron" niche and got sued, but as we now know that has been settled and all is well with the world...

checkout who owns PORNBB (WHOIS now edited...)
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I know it is one big piece of shit and always aware of this I realize things just about this is money and I have the same approach and im not surprised at all. Money without any sentiments.
1. three of the sites you posted are dead
2. three others have well known owners
3. AVN is the adult trade magazine, heard of the AVN awards (oscars of porn) ? zero connection with Adultking if any filelocker links to AVN it would actually spur this campaign even more.
Why must you people register dupe accounts to try and discredit others because you disagree with them.

Why is it we now have small file host operators creating dupes to do this, have you no brains to think you would not be caught or are you just running scared and grasping for anything to hang on.
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