Who got COVID-19 booster shot?

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Numbness in my left arm for sure. My whole body felt like there wasn't no mitochondria in my cells that can generate energy, causing lethargy and sluggishness. I can't hold on to something tightly because I lost my left hand grip strength. Luckily, only three days I was in tatters.

Just to let you know, I am a recurrent brain tumor person.
I'm double vaccinated but I'm not sure if it's worth getting a booster anymore - studies are incredibly inconsistent about protection and its timing, media keeps scaring population that "even if you are vaccinated, new variants will probably evade it" etc, and then a new study shows that additional booster will actually protect you from new variant. (and still, not really cause percentage of protection is still low)
It's getting a real clownery, and I think I might as well take my own chances against whatever variant instead of taking a vaccine and barely upping my chances.
Unless there is much more deadlier variant or unless we have a better new generation vaccine, I won't get a booster most likely.
there are rumors that everyone need an booster every 3 months, at least in europe... im not taking the vaxxs... i dont want my DNA get changed or poisioned.
I got the booster yesterday and it knocked me out for 20 hours with migraine and tiredness and aches and pains in my bones, other then that no more side effects.
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