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I'm against threads like this, but she really deserves that people talk about her. I enjoy in some of her songs, and always will. For that, I'm glad that she "existed" and I couldn't care less about the fact that she was a junkie - big deal. Everyone deals with their problems differently, and even if they pick the wrong choice, it's their life. There are so many deaths every day, and some of them are uncalled for, young girls stoned by mad people for no reason, random street killings, etc. But we still don't (CAN'T) care about them in a way like we'd care if someone we love (got used to) died.

Wherever you ended up now, it will forever be a mystery... just like the death itself.
Nows not a time to deliberate on how she died... at least give her that much respect. So very sad for the whole music industry and all her fans. A true star .... R.I.P Whit. xxx
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