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Alright, let's say if I ever created a warez site, and I happened to wish to submit my downloads to more DDL sites than Katz. Would I have to contact the webmaster of every DDL site and ask to be whitelisted, or is there an easier way of doing this?

Thank you.
I see, well; I'm using that dropdown form, since I honestly think my site will look like a mess if I use links to everyone. Is this okey? It seems like it is. hates that dropdown. The best thing to do is to focus on the big DDLs : Katz, Litewarez, DDL0. The rest are crap. Doesn't worth filling up the footer with useless links/buttons.
But that dropdown might annoy the big ones, teh "cats" and then you would be left to submit to those sick sites which don't send any traffic.
the dropdown box breaks katz's submission rules, don't use it.

you are allowed 4 buttons and 10 links, so add linkbacks/buttons to the ddl's you want to submit to (I suggest the big ones) and then use an autosubmitter (warezlinkers, rardownload) to submit to all of them at the same time. some ddl's don't require their backlink or are too lazy to check for one.

there are some ddl's you will need to contact to get whitelisted, but most will auto-whitelist you.
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