Which vbulletin version should I use?

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3.8 was awesome but I mean, you should keep with the updates. They're there for a reason. It's good to go with the flow as you'll get all the support and mods much easier
Your question puts a question in my head. Why did you ask which version of vBulletin?
It can't be because your more familiar with vBulletin as you'd have more of an idea yourself about which version to use. It can't be because you have an existing licence as the 3.8 and 4.x licence is different. It can't be because it's a superior product as it's not. I can therefore only presume it's because someone told you to use vBulletin and now your wondering which version to use.

My advise in such a case would be to take a step out of 2009 and into 2011 by having a look at the latest version of IPB.
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