When was the last time you bought a movie?

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I took the kids to the cinema and it cost me around £60 with some popcorn and drinks, the picture quality was crap and the sound system was crap.

I would prefer to watch a dvd rip at home with a HF projector and 7.1 surround sound
It's very expensive to go to the movies. I spend a lot of money every time.

Bus (2 trips). Buses in Norway is expensive. I always buy food. Typically kebab or pizza. A little candy and soda. Cinema ticket.

I can understand if you do not have much money to waste, it is easier to download.
i buy DVD's [pirated only.....cheap with outstanding quality, there is a shop in our area, they selling - even police also buy there :) ]

if original means, i bought a Tamil movie DVD Last year....
what do you mean last time... i never have bought dvd... i start downloading when i was 11... and download to now... but i have got some dmca mail frm my net ... but now i using vpn over my router
what do you mean last time... i never have bought dvd... i start downloading when i was 11... and download to now... but i have got some dmca mail frm my net ... but now i using vpn over my router

That means your answer to my question is a no. What didn't you understand? Because it seemed to me that you did understand very well :P
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