What's your grand conspiracy theory?

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Here's mine.

In future, we will be harvested, raised not inside a womb, but inside machines, with bar codes, and be the actual property of the government. We will be a simple expendable working force. Society as we see today will vanish. We'll be built to produce most useful beings, by manipulating our genes. Things we see today, are preparations for that world.

This seems a lot like "the matrix" xD.

On a serious note, i dont think this will happen anytime. People will not be silent on the atrocities, someone will create a revolution.

Well, who knows how Future will be. Its unpredictable.
But one thing is for sure, US domination will reduce and countries will be equal (atleast nearer to that).
^ US will suffer a downfall like all the empires did in the past ie like all the colonial powers lost their control just like that the US will loose its power due to what they are doing in other countries and all those countries will join together to retaliate against the US
Are we not already living in a world with a system of that sort? When we are born we are given a birth certificate which leads onto a national security number, passport, drivers license (identification), we are vaccinated for diseases (they inject us with substances, dozens of injections before we are even 2yo), we have to follow a schooling system which forces us to learn things within the "system" (we are taught about how the corporate, capitalist world works), we have to work to earn a living while the rich pay us and then tax us on our earnings (the money system) and finally, if you disobey the rules of the system you are punished (the prison industrial complex). We are living within a matrix in plain sight, where government controls are getting tighter and laws are getting harder and only the rich can survive without slaving away to earn a living.

Thats how I see it.

My grand consiracy theory: the new world order conspiracy.
Which I see actually unfolding right before our eyes, day-by-day.
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What i see is a great unveling we will come to know that the U.S is actually controlled by aliens and those aliens are trying to keeping us from finding out that there are many beings in this universe like us by the use of spying methods like PRISM and other sorts. Kill anyone who knows the truth in the process.

Wait i know this and ive told you guys, nooooooooooooooooo now were all gonna die

well you said it was a conspiracy theory right i had to spice it up a lil bit :P
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