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Active Member
Hey Guys,

What is your dream.... Out of web mastering world?In real life......
Mine is, To go to "LONDON"..... And Study there.. <3

What is your? Share with us :))

Note: Don't go off topic and abuse in this thread... Else i will report. -_-

Best Regards
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My dream is to have a private island, build a dome over it.. . one that would be able to open and close when desired. I always feared hurricanes and such, but maybe if I was wealthy enough, the dome could be build to withstand such storms.

I love the midnight skies, so when the dome is closed, would have purple tints in hopes to have the feel of nights around the clock. If course there would be a problem without electricity, but that's nothing solar, wind and water power cannot resolve.. . just expensive though.

At the very least, maybe just enough to live on a beach house in Hawaii or maybe even in one of them huts in Tahiti and work on the beach as a freelancer.. . sigh.. . too bad it's just a dream.
Being TRUE........All I Dream about is earning 100 CRORE INR Safe!! (means even if i shut everything down,which made me 100.......I still have 100 Crore left with Me)........till My 30th Birthday OR The Day My First Child touches ground......whatever comes FIRST .
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