What websites for movies could you suggest?

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D e X t e R

So, when I try to find:
-720p with nice, NOT SHITTY bitrate
-classic dvdrip 700mb
-mini rip 300mb
-preferably hosted on fs or fsc
It takes me like 10-20min PER movie. Which I find dmn too long. Even if I use warez-bb it takes that long (btw I find warez-bb a bit messy).

So, could you suggest me a website (or even a mega-thread) of any kind (even a paid one), where this is segregated/ordered so I woulnd't waste that much time?

Thank you very very much in advance.
I use Google.

If I want to find download link(s) for Sugar Boxx (2009). I'll go to Google.com and type:
"Sugar Boxx 2009 dvdrip" or "Sugar Boxx 2009.rar", it works like a charm. Better than registering on bunch of forums. If you find a good result, but it asks you to register, just click the "Cached" link, and you'll see the cached version of the thread with the download links.
Ya completely agree with Jason. Their should really be a compulsory noobs guide to using Google. People just don't know how to use it to it's full advantage. Doing stuff like adding fileserve.com/file/ to the search queries really helps. See webmasters stuff their websites with keywords like: FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile Downloads but by using fileserve.com/file/ you always get the links you want.
@ mr.happy and jason my question was

So, could you suggest me a website (or even a mega-thread) of any kind (even a paid one), where this is segregated/ordered so I woulnd't waste that much time?

google is never orderd its and its the best and ez way to find virus and shit posts , thats y am looking for a trusted site which has seperate sections
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