What really happened on 09/11/2001 (911)

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False flag operation. And it's not a theory anymore. Basically, there's many theories, when fit in one big image, get you the answer: global world domination, imperialism. Control, return to slavery.

Why Reichstagg got burned down to the ground in Hitlers Germany? Same reason, power holders did it, so they can force new set of laws, that limit freedom of civilians.
Burn down something, create hype about it, point a finger to someone you want to get rid of, and you got a support from people instantly. Plain simple, no need to be scientist to understand this principle.

See, the problem here is, dictatorship is not obvious while it happens, to those who it's applied on. Same thing happened in Germany, they didn't knew it. And we have historical comparison, to see it happening, right here right now.

For the same reason, they are applying that weapon reduction law (no idea how its real name is) to disarm civilians, even though historical stats tells us, that every time, any government applied that law, crime rate went up. That law applies on regular citizens, not on criminals who do not abide the law.

Imagine, you have armed innocent person, and armed criminal. They stand equal chance if they confront each other. If you take away weapon from citizen, he stands no chance. So, who and why thinks civilians somehow will benefit from weapon reduction?

Did you noticed how Obama used kids, when he signed those 23 laws? Did you saw how low that propaganda goes, and how you can see right through it, and how obvious it is they are misusing kids, to enforce their agenda?

When government is disarming their civilians, that means that they believe civil war can emerge. For the same reson second amendment is introduced, so government can't go wild, and civilians can organize themselves against dictatorship goverment.

If Obama believes disarming is good thing, why he's followed by an army? Why his kids have the right on armed defense, and you and your kids don't?

Today you see that internet is attacked. They dont like the fact that they can't control information flow, and what you hear, which leads to how you shape your opinion about something. If you get more aware of the situation, it's worse for them.

You see so many shit happening after 911, it's crazy thinking there's some conspiracy 'theory'.
Just like you don't see evolution happening in front of your eyes, but you see it during the course of time, same goes with this. It's a process that takes years, and goes unnoticeable, because people don't usually make notes, and connect the dots.
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My theory is that a couple of crazy people hijacked some planes and crashed them into buildings killing thousands of people in the name of their god. Or whatever they believe in.

Obviously their are loads and loads of theories, and conspiracies... There always is when things like this happen.
Personally, I find them interesting to listen to or watch, but do I believe any of them?? Nah. It is what it is.
You mean, it is what your government told you it is? Because, government version is official version, no?

So, when did you saw in history, any goverment, tyrranical or not, came out and blame itself?
Even though it was later proven who did it.

Did Osama came out and said he is 'terrorist'?
Did Kim Jon Un came out and said he's dictator?
Did Saddam Hussein said that?

Not sure what you expect to be official version. For you, the truth is only what your goverment tells you. So, how would you possibly see then, if your goverment is REALLY tyrannical? Do people in North Korea notice that? Or in Iraq? Yes, some, majority don't. Only those who question and think do.
Believing blindly to government gives them opportunity to do what they want.

Anyone took responsibility for this?
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There is no scenario in which government would say they did it.
It's not about saying the opposite for the sake of it. You can surely watch videos of Bush first claiming Iraq has ties with Al-Qaeda before war, and then few years later, saying he NEVER said that. So, obvious lie is obvious.
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Look at the changes the government could enforce on general people after that day, your theory should be clear after that.
What you mean by 'could' ?

Pic says more than million words:




So, why americans don't do anything about this? Why americans are ignoring this fact, and are being dragged into wars with lies?
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I meant the changes in laws. Every time there is a bill pushed up to change/alter a law, some catastrophe took place. Like the Boston bombing when CISPA was passed.

Using a sect of people to exploit minds is just a way to make it happen to take the attention away.

I still don't get why did World Trade Center no. 7 collapse which was pretty far from the towers. Why could'nt the FBI release the video of the plane that hit the Pentagon instead the frame which could show the plane was removed. The part where the plane hit was not even big enough for a commercial plane to fit in.

There are many questions that remain unanswered.
WTC 7 was demolished, didn't collapsed. When you pulling down the building, it means you are pulling it down artificially (demolishing/mining). Owner of the building admitted it, in front of camers, not sure what's unclear about that.

Also all building were secured against terrorist attack to 7B dollars, so why not taking it down, and collecting money. If you can kill 3K people, for cash, taking building down for money is like walking.
Regarding pentagon plane. why FBI couldn't release the video? Because origininal video would prove that 911 report is a blatant lie. There was no parts of plane that was mentioned, found, there was no engines found, there was no videos in front of pentagon, while they were collecting evidence. Why would they remove all evidence so fast, instead of establishing facts? Does crime scene gets cleared, or investigated?
And last but not least, WHY is there a computer screen, intact, 1 meter from explosion, while floor and roof collapsed, everything demolished?

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My theory on what happened is this.

A highly trained ex-CIA operative by the name of Osama Bin Laden went rogue against the United States of America and it's people.

The reason why all of this happened is quite simple. You have an area of the world where there is poverty and people are seeing all of the success taking place in the world, but it just isn't happening around them. So hatred settles in and certain people start to despise certain entities. Calling the USA the great oppressor, the white devil and many other things.

So they create a plan to strike the United States where it hurts, their economical power, the towers that serve of all the entire nations and the worlds trading centers. "The World Trade Centers".

In the 90's Osama planned a similar attack, but not as well guided or thought out, it was thwarted and didn't result in much damage.

In 2001 he was successful.

The part where people get it all wrong is when the United States retaliates. A lot of people view this as the reasoning behind the attacks and hence that the actual government was behind said attacks.

After sitting down and taking a deep breath all can come to a conclusion. The United States didn't need to attack it's own buildings or it's own people to enforce new laws or to invade other countries. We can do these things without harming ourselves. All we had to do was press the issue of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" hard enough and we would have been in Iraq and Afghanistan regardless.

The realness and the truth behind this is quite simple. A motivated religious attack took place on a nation that is predominantly Christian, that sits on all of the waters and all of the lands. An attack took place out of jealousy and pure rage regardless of those whom were going to be inflicted.

And as a result we retaliated with brutality and insanity and are doing the same today.

9/11 was a religious attack on a 75% predominant Christian nation. Bottom line.
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Inside job. People who've witnessed the 'truth' that day on September 11th, 2001... Have all mysteriously died or been murdered. Do some more research on the topic. Your theory may have some truth to it but your leaving out most of the details, etc.
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Forgot this one too


It was not an inside job. There are plenty of other ways that the same outcome could have been achieved without the destruction of our financial system and the loss of lives.

It most definitely wasn't an inside job.
It was not an inside job. There are plenty of other ways that the same outcome could have been achieved without the destruction of our financial system and the loss of lives.

It most definitely wasn't an inside job.

Like our gov't gives a crap who dies.
Lets suppose if To0's theory is correct
then why the fuck did they have to kill osama and throw him of the plane ?

My answer is he is an agent of the USA and still is and always will be and he is still alive in the US
It was not an inside job. There are plenty of other ways that the same outcome could have been achieved without the destruction of our financial system and the loss of lives.

It most definitely wasn't an inside job.

Ok man, do tell me how did news reporters got the information that Osama Bin Laden did it, before both buildings started crumbling down.

Then explain me why it took ONE FULL YEAR to make a team and do 'investigation'.

After that, explain to me, why New Yorkers were lied that air is safe to breathe.
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