What are webmasters to do now?

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Active Member
Hey..ever since this Rapid Points thing has come into effect I have found that none of my uploaders have been posting...so what are we to do about this? surely my site isn't the only one to be affected???? which means there would be less being submitted to katz so what I wanna know is are the rules for katz going to change or are all our sites gonna slowly die?
We can all ask katz to allow us to use MU instead, cuz this shit is fucked up, imma have to sell my site if this keeps up.
^ Who said that? somebody give me some proof that one of the admins said use RS or MU as primary.
To be honest this could work out pretty good in a way. If you think about it everything could return a bit to the way it was two years ago when paid uploaders didn't exist. It's only since file hosts started paying that loads of uploaders post movies and other stuff that isn't even out in the hope of generating a few points. It's also the reason uploaders post the same links day after day with autoposters filling your site and database with the same links.

These money hungry guys won't exist and more and sites will start to look more active as the number of new duplicate posts reduces. You'll still have zero day content but sites will look more active as the remaining posts will have more views and replies.

As far as the sites that depend on Katz goes this will hurt and a lot of the crappy smaller sites that pop up ever day will struggle and disappear. For the real sites that depend on direct traffic, regular members, Google and other organic traffic it will improve them and their communities I think.

It's only a guess as to what will happen but I'm looking at the potential positives.
well MU better be a primary coz I've just submitted 10 of them lol but those 10 have been the only stuff I've submitted in 3 days now
Mr-R-T, it's being a long time since MU is primary if I am not wrong.

Well, the problem with uploading to rapidshare now is that you need traffic to download it first and then upload it but cause of the ghey rules, you would end up depleting your rapids faster. And also since there are no rewards, no one is interested any longer.

I guess I would be uploading to MU and would add HF mirror links.
Don't worry Belle, Megaupload is already a primary like as Rapidshare.. Hotfile is a small shit. Go with Megaupload and tell your uploaders their benefits (they also get points, can trade for rewards -- premium accounts, lifetime accounts.. money).
^ I yet to see a direct reply from the admins, oh wth ill just start uploading to MU and find out my self.


This is obvious Megaupload is treaty as Primary after Rapidshare.
A few things,

MU has been a primary for ever, and I have to agree with Mr happy that this is a good thing. All the sites that rely on ddls will die, and we will be left with more quality.
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