Website shutdown because of 40% CPU load

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Could also implement some disk caching for frequently used queries as well. Load doesn't necessarily have to be CPU/RAM related, many times my load on own servers are more of an IO thing
He is on shared and can't really do much. I would suggest instead of the host telling you too many resources, make them give you output from htop and mytop showing what resources your site is using and by which scripts and mysql commands...

Too many shared hosters do this when you really aren't using any resources....

You can also load phpsysinfo utility to write a file or monitor the system online for memory, processes and cpu usage.
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Yeah and my current host (the one I had before I tried to move to paid hosting) doesn't have load monitoring built into cPanel.

Though I was wondering about one thing, since I have access to phpMyAdmin I can check the Status tab of the server, but since I am on shared, I guess the stats there are for the whole MySQL server and not just my db?
It can be happended with your hosting, because a few processors will eat resource by php script. Did you myself write application?
I would have to say that your database must be in the millions or they have Mysql misconfigured if this command took 9+ seconds to run.
Count: 1 Time=9.03s (9s) Lock=1.00s (1s) Rows=0.0 (0), gaddons_website[gaddons_website]@localhost

INSERT INTO users (email) VALUES ('S')

The info should refresh showing you what and if any php scripts are using too many resources...
Yeah I need to ask them about it, since there is no other way of inserting data. The same with the insert of the mirrors, it takes several seconds.

You mean that I can see in phpsysadmin specific script info?
Couldn't see anything when I looked :/
Yeah I need to ask them about it, since there is no other way of inserting data. The same with the insert of the mirrors, it takes several seconds.

You mean that I can see in phpsysadmin specific script info?
Couldn't see anything when I looked :/

No it is not for mysql. Use something like Mysql-front and the tunneling for shared hosts. Choose processes to see all waiting and executing mysql commands and their length.

But adding the explain could help.
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