Webmaster Interview: ARmt of DDLValley.net 6/2/2014

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Webmaster Interview: ARmt of DDLValley.net

ARmt is another icon who came from the ashes of the legendary OneDDL.com. He’s been in the scene for more than 8 years and his contributions have not gone unnoticed. Having created & maintained some of the largest communities along the way & now the proud owner of yet another mega site. He currently owns DDLValley.net (which is nearing it’s 2 year anniversary as of this writing)! This is his story.

What is your handle?

My handle is ARMT

Tell us a little bit about yourself:

Well – I am in my middle twenties, like EDM music and love watching sports in general and football in particular #COYG

How long have you been in the scene?

I’ve been in the scene for about 8 years now, not a newbie, i guess

What was the first site you ever visited in the scene?

I think the first site was
waz-warez.org. There i got to meet some really cool people!

How did you come about making your own website?

The idea came from my close friends when they saw the comments at OneDDL’s closure and they said to me “you know quite a bit about making good websites so why not help the frustrated people to find a new nice & neat home”.

What website(s) do you currently run?

Only DDLValley.net atm.

How long has DDLValley been online?

In 2 weeks it’ll be 2 years.

What makes DDLValley different from other sites?

Editors are always helpful with any issue the user has , also we used to supply any size 1-click Putlocker links which was unique. You cant find many websites posting that much for their users with the amount of hosts as we do.

How many unique visitors/day does the site reach?

As we are reaching to the stale period (Summer) it’s around 30k U.V/day.

What type of content does your site have?

Practically everything except adult material.

What do you think helped to contribute to DDLValley’s success?

I’d say at the beginning from the OneDDL community then as we progressed it was about teamwork.

What does the future of DDLValley look like?

Bright! A couple of changes are coming late in the summer that will spice up the site some.

Is there anyone else other than yourself who works on the site?

Of course, wouldn’t be fun without a team and i am not a robot to post everyday that amount of posts.

Do you visit any other sites on a daily basis besides your own, if so, what are they?

Yea, the usual social media websites, EuroSport and couple of YouTube channels.

What’s your video of the moment?

What are some differences of the scene when comparing it from when you first started in 2006?

They have tweaked some rules for better quality rather than that still going strong.

Congratulations on the upcoming 2 year anniversary for the site. Do you have any celebrations in store?

Maybe , who knows

Who do you think had a bigger impact after their downfall? OneDDL, Katz or PhazeDDL?

OneDDL used to provide Rapidshare links, one of a very few sites – that was a great advantage for the users and besides that it set the par for quality sites after its downfall. On the other hand Katz & PhazeDDL used to list releases after verification which also got webmasters to make their websites better. In the end that went in the favor of the regular user, so you cant really say one was better than the other – both were very good imo.

What advice would you give someone who is just embarking on their own site?

Rome wasn’t built in a day – so you have to be patient.

When do you think the Golden Era of Warez was?

It was from 2004 up till 2010 and then everything changed. Filesharing websites came with their “Affiliate” plans and people got greedy.

Do you think the Golden Era can come about once again?


Where do you see the scene in 5 years from today?

I’d say pretty much the same with a couple of tweaks.

Does DDLValley have any Facebook/Twitter accounts fans can follow?

When comparing Warez vs. Torrents, which scene has the edge currently?

I’d say Torrents have the edge currently. As anyone can share a file in a minute regardless of the connection limits. Also torrents require just 1 person to seed in order to stay alive, Warez links die once the time phrase expires or DMCA.

Warez vs. Torrents: The History, Statistics & Scene Comparisons

Any final comments or last remarks (say whatever to your fans here)?

I’d like to thank each and everyone that helped us along the way to be what we are today and thanks to all our fans for sticking around.

For ScrollDog – keep doing what you are currently doing, it is exciting and a breed of a fresh taste to the regular types of websites.

See Full Interview:

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