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After offering my first service, with article spinning, I'd like to offer you my another service. Web bots created in UBot studio.

What can we do?

We can make automatic forum registration, automatic facebook/twitter registration, automatic blog posting, forum posting... anything you can imagine doing on the web. And it's all done by one click. With the captcha bypass option.

This time, since a project can take a lot of time, we won't be offering review copies. First two that offer our bot services will get a 50% discount.

What are the prices?
The prices vary, but they are far lower then the competition. For example, you can get a twitter account registerer for 20$. Automatic blog poster for 30-35$. Depending on your wishes.

Post us your idea, and we'll tell you the price!

We will be accepting one project at a time. I won't be the only one working on it, my friend will help me too, so it will be done faster.

We'll soon launch a website containing all of our services, I'll mention some of them:

Senuke Blasts
UBot studio bots
Article Bulk creation
Setting up an autoblog
Twitter advertising

and a lot more to come!

Feel free to reply the thread and ask for your bot today!
hi, how much for a forum autoposter?
i use extremecoderz multiposter atm,but i am always interested in new script/bots
Yes but with the use of a 3rd party service such as DeCaptcher, DeathByCaptcha etc.

In fact, you'd need to pay around 1.4$ per 1000 captchas.
Oh right...nvm then lol...i think ya should mention it at the front of your post...btw isn't this in .EXE? According to uBot's website??
Well why do you think such companies exist? There is no software alone that could read captchas that is in posession of individuals.

Yes it is an .EXE, it's a bot. What did you think it is?
Yes I can make download/upload, but it won't be made in UBot studio, it would be made in, and it would cost money. PM for exact price.
Well why do you think such companies exist? There is no software alone that could read captchas that is in posession of individuals.

Yes it is an .EXE, it's a bot. What did you think it is?

The fact that it said Web Bot i thought you meant its ran on a webserver like MoneterBot/sBorg. And maybe it's caused its late here plus the fact the thread was quite nicely worked out i thought you were a genius in the making that coded a supreme software that can decode captcha's. And i wouldn't be sure about the last part, there's always some china dude wanking over his personally sick ass coded captcha decoder somewhere :D
Sorry, you misunderstood me. By web bot I mean a bot which automates tasks on the web (HTTP protocol). I've stated that the bots are made in UBot studio, but since we're getting a lot of requests about some serious tasks, we'll code them in which would probably be faster and better since we have more freedom in coding.
As stated, the bots are created mostly in UBot studio if possible. People come to us with various requests, so we mostly make software in VB.NET. As a linux binary, it might be possible using it with wine software, but you'll need to add .NET framework to it. If you're willing to use it via shell, it won't be possible. The cost of such software would be around 700+ for some more complex tasks.
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