WCDDL Version 3 Modules, Plugins and Extensions
Now that WCDDL version 3 has got it's full release I've decided to start releasing plugins and modules for it. This thread contains WCDDL Modules, Plugins and Extensions for Version 3 only so no support will be given to Version 2. V3 is far faster, safer and easier to use so I'd advise you to consider upgrading. The modules and plugins available will be far superior to V2 as well. All plugins and modules in this thread will require the Plugin Manager below to be installed.
All the modules are designed so you can modify the appearance in the CSS file or the settings. You should never have to do manual edits on the modules. If you've questions just ask.
WCDDL Plugin Manager
The plugin manager allows you to install, change settings and update other plugins easily. To install just upload it to your modules folder and go to http://exmaple.com/wc3admin.php?go=installpluginManager
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