WareztheGFX flash intro needs opinions

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Well , i have slow internet. It's almost like dial up. So it's hard to view your site for users that don't have good internet , that's why i hate flash intro's. Sorry , but it would be better to don't use an intro.

Regards ,
thanks for the reply. but obviously i will put a big SKIP INTRO link :P for people that do not want to use it..
thanks, still would like more replies!!
Agreed, but if you are going to keep it alteast make the glow bit faster. Im impatient when visisting a site, probably like alot of users.
Lol, erm whats the point? to be honest. People go on warez forums to view warez and get downloads, not to see some fancy flash into before they do it. I know your trying to be "unique" but there is no need for an intro, but thats me personaly.
i have a question did you take that intro (sound effects) from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. it sounds similar. nice intro though :) quick and simple dont like the splash img though.
I like it, a bit too slow which might annoy some people, It would be better in my opinion if the logo came up straight away with the sounds included. Good job none the less :P
I like it man... but spraying sounds... just made your logo pop-up was kind of lame... make it like... actually appearing like some1 is spraying it :).. btw... glowing text was slow... making it x1.5 faster... might be a good idea.

overall great job mate.
Thanks for all the feedback guys..
i might do a poll on the site to see if we should use it still..
But thanks for all the honest opinions
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