WarezJet - To Get.Share.Download

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WarezJet | Get.Share Download

A new warez forum, Simply Owners are the only people who control it, We are PHP programmers, interested in the idea of sharing warez, gamez, movies, music, more, more, more

URL: www.warezjet.com
Creation Date: 1st, January, 2011
No. of Topics (16-1-2011): 8,177
Members (16-1-2011): 17

We are glad to announce that you can register easily by using normal signup form or by using:

So you can easily bypass signup form :D

Why we created this topic?

  • First: We need Web Developers with experience in using CSS, PHP.
  • Second: We need Graphics Designers.
  • Third: We need Loyal member to start topics and share uploads even from other sites, Sharing is caring!
  • Fourth: Uploaders with quality and large uploads, You know that you need to spread your links ;)

  • Fifth: Which is important, No. of 10 moderators not exceeding 12, to control WarezJet. You can apply by sending e-Mail to just.be.pro@gmail.com or PM me here.
UPDATE: We are looking for link and banner exchange with new or existing warez forums, in the header (4 slots left), or in the footer (11 slots left).

We also have our ticket support system which you can easily submit your ticket to, and in maximum 12 hours an admin will reply.

WJ Support Center | www.warezjet.com/support | support@warezjet.com

Wow. I must start off by telling you that i'm glad you took your time to create a perfect post (I don't see those often around here lol)

- I don't like the font you are using in your logo.
- Slogan can be improved alot.
- You don't need two twitter buttons and two facebook buttons. You can remove one twitter button and one facebook button.
- There is absolutely none requests. You have six requests sections. You should limit it to one request section. Maybe two. The second should be a section dedicated to completed requests.
- The recent facebook activities is not necessary and I doubt that anyone really cares.
- You have to work on the "Jet Lounge". There is a few sections but there's almost none threads/posts. A good community is more often the key to success..
- I don't really think that your skin is so attractive. You should consider changing it, but stay light!

I hope that you read my feedback and I hope that you will do something about the stuff I pointed out.



Why we created this topic?

  • First: We need Web Developers with experience in using CSS, PHP.
  • Second: We need Graphics Designers.
  • Third: We need Loyal member to start topics and share uploads even from other sites, Sharing is caring!
  • Fourth: Uploaders with quality and large uploads, You know that you need to spread your links ;)

  • Fifth: Which is important, No. of 10 moderators not exceeding 12, to control WarezJet. You can apply by sending e-Mail to just.be.pro@gmail.com or PM me here.
UPDATE: We are looking for link and banner exchange with new or existing warez forums, in the header (4 slots left), or in the footer (11 slots left).
You can make a different thread within the link exchange section asking for link exchanges.
You can ask for uploaders within the community cooperative section.
You can use the same thread asking for moderators.
You can ask for graphic related help within the Graphics section.
You can ask for coding help in the coding area.

Good luck
Welcome MrSandvik,

First of all, Thanks a lot for your appreciation, I really like organizing and produce the perfect topics :D.

Thanks for all your suggestions, That's why great and encouraging people like you, can discuss and review new sites. Your ideas are really great that's why we gonna discuss them and introduce new ideas here too.

As for two connect buttons I'll remove one for each Facebook, and Twitter. But I think many are BLIND! and do not use them, Although is easier idea ;)

Many thanks again :D
You are welcome at our forums as respected member :D
^ I am going to sign up on your forum under the same username as i'm using here.

Hopefully I can help with activity within the community sections. But you do have to start the discussions yourself and I can participate in them.
Ok, I noticed you register but with mistake in Username, I'm going to update it to MrSandvik and validate you by myself :D

Remember Display name is MrSandvik including capitals :D
Login name the one you choosen in small :D
Site looks awesome

Get a better skin
As you are a GFX designer you can do wonders with the forum layout
As of making custom old/new icons
Category icons

Change the logo, it looks similar to that of wbb
Image in your favicon is not clear, it is pixelated, get a better favicon

Move the requests section to the end or merge all of requests into 1 section
Add a robots.txt

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