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Active Member
In regards to the recent thread about updated "Warez Restrictions":

I understand and know why this announcement was made, the owners are afraid of legal issues arising from the discussion of such things.

However, when it's all said and done, as long as the operator(s) do not promote, entice or engage in that particular aspect of the community there is nothing that can be done.

What you have done is shut the door on the community and existing members of the Warez community. These new rules are effectively suffocating those who would like to operate a warez site, or currently do.

This place was made via warez for crying out loud!

WJunction initially stood for Warez Junction FYI :facepalm:

This New Rule should be re-canted. Individuals should have the right to discuss what they wish at their own risk. The operators of this site should not engage nor promote this type of activity, nor should they publicly condone it. Nothing can be done from a legal standpoint by simply allowing people to converse about such things.


Censor this.
Block that.
You can't do this.
You can't do that.


Is what we all got into this for in the beginning. Don't forget that. The freedom to do as we pleased to a certain extent. You take a little bit here, and a little bit there, it soon adds up.

El-J if you are reading this. Stop being such a pussy. Man up nigga.
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The new rule destroys the only thing that makes WJ different from other "webmaster" forums, and as To0 said, WJunstion did stand for WarezJunction once, denying this is pretty much lying! Know your history!
We don't fly on paper plains...

I agree we SHOULD...but, we CAN'T.

Yes for freedom.
No for Nazi corporations leading America, fucking up freedom for everyone.

I do agree, however, no one wants his ass in jail, over what someone else wrote here, on this forum.
For that, you need a balls from steal, and no brain...
I do think we are smarter, as a community, and we will find a way around this nonsense, and censorship. Maybe not here, but they can't shut up whole world.
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Funny part is that the same persons who bitch about SOPA PIPA ACTA and what ever are the ones who end up censoring all the things that created WJ.
I must say i actually want to see what will happen to WJ regarding these rules.

@ To0 we have freedom.
Freedom to do what we are told to do,that should count for something eh
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One more thing.

Courage creates freedom.
Also, to be brave, brain must shut off. Risk goes against logic.
More you try to adopt to the system, more freedom you are loosing.
@To0, what you said is the probable truth. But there are some loopholes to that "The operators of this site should not engage nor promote this type of activity, nor should they publicly condone it." law.

The new rules should definitely hit WJ hard
Freedom LOL? umadBro This is not your Home, you have to Follow rules of Anywhere u Go and The time you Don't Follow you Deserve a Ban, Rules Are Rules!
Wrong facts.

When this website was made, there was no link to warez sites. It was months later katz section was added and katz linked to wjunction. The warez subforum meant to be a katz support section and when katz left, they should've made a decision a decision to close these warez sections.

And WJunction was not meant to be WarezJunction. It was something made up by an uploader.

I don't see what's wrong with WJunction trying to be a legit site. And, it does not close opputunities if you are a warez webmaster. You can still link exchange, ask doubts about SEO.. Only discussion about warez, that is uploader earning statistics are not allowed anymore.
I agree to the statement that WJunction was Warez Junction when st0ne installed phpBB here (and then vBulletin). It continued to be a 'warez' webmasters hangout untill it was sold.

But its now owned by other people (-still a controversy whether WJ is really sold or not ;)-) and they decide to make this place limited to legal discussions.

So what have you got now ? Make another board and promote warez there. WJunction has almost closed the doors for warez webmasters.

EDIT: tehlolkid, to be specific, I was here before you knew what warez stands. el_jentel1 accepted himself that its 'Warez Junction' also, the old title had the Title: 'Warez Junction' and not 'WJunction - Webmaster Hangout'
Lead the way soldier! FIGHT FOR FREEDOM OR DIE TRYING!


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