Warez Post Generator v0.1 (BETA)

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Active Member
This is a little tool that my brother coded for his forum and I asked him for it and I've tweaked it up a bit

This tool saves you time creating bbcode for your forum thread.
You input your details, (name of release, screenshots, links, etc...), and click generate and it will generate a tidy and clean thread for you


I'm not going to release the code for it yet, I'm going to be adding more features to it, and re-release it as v1.0 . If it gets good enough reviews/likings, I'll release the code for it here

Thank you

Because its a beta, I'm not going to ask anyone for credit when using it, but if you do use it, please share some suggestions and feedback here. Thank you
My only comments would be to remove the [break] tag as on a basic IPB board they do not work.

Not sure about VB.

And to add a "Clear" button to reset back to empty fields.
Yeh, Hoxxy is my homie, I asked him for the code, as clearly stated in the first post :D

When I release the code/plugins for this add-on, it will include instructions on how to add the [break] tag to your forum

Currently, the script only works with vBulletin, but I can port it over to IPB for future release/s

To add the [break] tag to your vBulletin forum:


Future Features:

• IMdB information grabber
• IMdB poster grabber
• Warez Post Generator Portal
• Sub-sections for different release types, Movie, Game, TV Show, etc...
• More suggestions will be added to this list

This is REALLY EARLY work in development, I plan to build on this A LOT more, so keep throwing your suggestions

make the imdb poster get uploaded to a different file host.

Make it so it saves our own images for like info links etc
Yeh, thanks for the idea pisoj1
I'll add support for TinyPic for now, because I'd have to spend a lot of time adding any other IMG host

Look out for it on v0.2 :D
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