Want to make a porn Site! What to do?

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Active Member
Hello Wj!

Today Cyberdevil gave me his domain(AdultVid.org) and i want to make a porn website.I dont knw anything so guyzz pls help me wat to do and how to make a successful one...

mate i know manny here sell website so safe alot time wen you new and buy one from Market sell here on Wj or you need start maby whit worldpress or a forum
Easiest way to create your own forum/blog

1. Buy yourself a domain from a popular registar (You alreade have a domain so you can pass this step.
2. Find yourself some reliable hosting. I recommend your247host
3. Go to Wordpress and download the latest version of Wordpress.
If you buy hosting from your247host you don't have to download wordpress because they provide one-click installs that automates the whole proccess and makes it all even easier for you. Same goes with PhpBB (the forum software). It's free.
You can download phpbb here.
4. Login in to your domain registrat account and change the nameservers so they point to the new dns that you recieve from your host. It shouldn't take long before your website is viewable for everyone.
5. Use google to look for themes and skins for Wordpress and PhpBB. Play with keywords and you will get some nice hits and probably you will find yourself a good theme that you enjoy.

Best of luck... :)
Would he also not refer to how he can get some content? I guess "copying" a site is not done and making your own exclusive content doesn't seem easy. ;)
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