wanna buy iPhone 4

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Active Member
hey guys, i have a dream of my own iPhone, i want to have one at any cost, if you guys now any site offering for as cheap as possible then can u give me the link plz, also i m so damn crazy about iPhone that i will also take a second hand if you have or anyone offering, i m soo crazy about iphone, so plz guys help me out of this, thxx
iphone/mac products are useless bro,
i have tried them, they're not as good as in any advertisement.

better look for something elses.
iPhone rocks,
all you guys are wrong

@ topic

dude forgot from buying online and save yourself from scam too , try your nearest mobile market or shops for 2nd hand
Get an Android
-Cheaper and a lot of mobiles to chose from and a lot better than IOS

If you have used both than you would definitely go for Android
Guys i think he is asking for a link to the nearest place he could get the iphone 4 for the cheapest price and you all are giving him an advice what kind of phone he should get instead i think he stated that he has a dream to own an iphone if i am wrong please correct me.

But it is partly his fault because he could write where his location is.

Also iphone is great stop listening to them i own an iphone 4 and a htc desire hd iphone 4 (IOS) pwns android in a lot of ways.
Well, it's not a cheap phone.
If you want one cheap, you should look into stolen ones lol or just buy a 2G for 150 dollars or something
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