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Active Member
hi there ,
after installing and configuring W3 cache tool , my site seems fine when im still logged in , but not as a user, it shows the site in basic html , like only txt and my logo , no background or so..

i have few more erros but that is def NO 1 :facepalm:

any 1 familiar ?
today we 've noticed the exact same thing about minify.........(a series of problems.........)

disable it.(minify)

also there is an article about object and DB cache that are redundant (only 1 needs to be on - mostly object)

page/browser cache leave it on
BeitarJerusalem, I've had this problem before and it comes back with every new WP install UNLESS you set the MINIFY section right.

The reason why you see your site fine and users see the broken one is by default admins (when you're logged into admin) do not get the minified version of your site.

What breaks is your CSS files, and your JS files stop working.

Use Manual minify options, and go view source on your website and list all .CSS files, and .JS files and set as COMBINE only.

That is the easy way, if you want that extra 5% performance, then you have to sit there and manually test each .JS as combine after, before head,body, etc. Not worth it in my opinion. Just set to combine so users load one .CSS and One .JS file.

I spent many hours on this before, and hopefully my advice will save you time and headache =]
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