Vreer.com Paying upto $3 for every 1000 stream

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how about to add romania to tier 3 country? if so might coming up to some vids (over 12k) be added to a 30k unique site

and some aditional questions if adding country is an option

there is a time limit for free users?
embed suported?

Is it possible to add FTP Upload ?

The Web Upload is fast I get up to 17.000 Kb/s but I can't select multiple Files

So I have to upload File by File, that takes a lot of time
Hey Vreer2

I have tested Vreer today my comment :

Vreer is the best Stream host I have seen since Feb

I have tested the Other file hosts in the last 3 Months :

Everyday a problem with Upload Speed
EveryDay problems with Statics
Downloads/Views Shaving
No Payouts
Banning Accounts!

Respect ! The only one problem that I have is FTP Upload but no matter as far as the Upload Speed great is! ;)

Thank you
with a premium account i can get "Unlimited Mb in 3 days" haha!

and please store the files longer, 5 days without dl is really creepy...
admin, just sent you a PM

Added after 20 minutes:

btw, vreer2 are you upgrading servers or what bcoz lots of video no found....
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torrent is working but we are still updating it , its not final version it will be resolved fully in few days


i second mhalim63, something's wrong with streaming videos again. hope this gets fix soon. :(

we are still in process of adding new server (final phase) , site is still working on 4 server thats why streaming is a bit slower in top hours ...
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