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First of all, this is my first post here on Wjunction, and i would like to take the time to say:

Thanks vidbull/vodlocker for your site, is the best site i have ever browsed on the internet and is an honor and a privilege to work with you, i, like others, have to thank you very very much, since its hard for many of us to have another way of living... i must say, i depend very much of your site.

So, now hands to work:

It is possible that this is your competitors attacking you and now when they see that you are vulnerable they won't stop doing that. I think you have to get a better protection from that kind of attacks.

I dont think the competitors are attacking Vodlocker, since Vidbull is working very fine, with no problem at all, Why would some one do an attack to kill half of the enemy and leave the other half intact?


Now, to Vidbull:

Dude, i noticed something, i was copyng some videos, and the way to see load the page (for me, being logged-in) was very very slow... Then the page gave me the mysql error (is already posted above like 8 post) and i was not able to do absolutely NOTHING on the site... but.. the videos and the page when i cleared the cookies (like viewing a video from a guest user) WAS FINE AS HELL...

So i think, the problem is somebody copyng a lot of videos (like the dude who blew up all us on vidbull like half year ago) only to see if he can put them back in sites like watchseries.lt ...

Maybe the solution would be, to have a domain like: http://copy.vodlocker.com separated from the main vodlocker.com or a domain like: videos.vodlocker.com or something separating the streaming pages, from the user control pages and the copyng pages....

Thats my opinion, from what i have seen in like a year of working whit Vidbull/Vodlocker and other sources....

Thanks for reading, and i really hope the site comes back as it has always been, fast and cool as hell.
Hello all, Thanks for the feedback.
Appreciate if you guys can test the site now and provide feedback

Regarding file copy issue: File copy needs to be done manually so it is not possible to automatically copy large number of files.
When I copy a file it takes less than 2 seconds. Anyone else experience file copy delays? Please confirm this.

Thanks again
1. test the site now and provide feedback
2. it takes less than 2 seconds.
1. waitin like 15 seconds instead of 3 when surfing. especially "my videos" very slow
2. max 4 seconds always for me
3. thank you for compensating rates

Added after 1 Day 9 Hours:

thank you V. received

Added after 2 minutes:

thank you V.
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I don't know if this happenig only to me on Vodlocker: 10004 / $5.27500? I know there had been some compensating rates, but i never had such a small ratio. The site is now working fine guys. I get some video encoding errors when uploading through FTP Filezilla. Hope it will solve soon. In other words, thanks for being the best team ever.
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Hello all, Thanks for the feedback.
Appreciate if you guys can test the site now and provide feedback

Regarding file copy issue: File copy needs to be done manually so it is not possible to automatically copy large number of files.
When I copy a file it takes less than 2 seconds. Anyone else experience file copy delays? Please confirm this.

Thanks again

My file copy is done when i see the site less slow... and i can copy like 10 videos at a time, and i guess 90% of the time it doesn't copy duplicated ones, also the delay is aprox 3 seconds, nothing stressing... i think the 10% resting of the time, when the files are duplicated, at least on my case is because the page timeouts and using "back" in the browser seems like a bad idea... but also noticed, if i go to vodlocker.com/ from the address bar, some times still happening...

The main problem stills there, some times my viewers have to hit reload (due to the ddos checking not working all the time) and the sad one is... it happends like half of the day, i hope you fix it soon...

Btw am not shure if this may apply here but: Do you have round robin? its something related to dns an example could be, some times vodlocker.com going to and other times to so the site can handle twice the trafic... and so on... am not sure if it may apply here, since i think you have something related to cloud, but may be a possibility...

since as far i can see... the video always loads ok (ALWAYS) but the page vodlocker..com is the source of the problem, as loading a vid and hiting restart, wouldn't allow the user from watching the vid (since the page is offline)... but... the vid stills downloading for any other user (who had loeaded OK the vodlocker..com/vidshddsh just before it was offline)...

Well thanks for your site Vidbull, hope my POV of the probblem help to fix it...
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Thanks for confirming the payments.
Please let us know if you notice any glitches in the site or any other feedback, thanks all!
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