Premium Plus - Profitable & Unlimited Storage | Keep Original & Multi Resolution


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Hello everyone!

We're excited to introduce our video hosting platform here at wjunction.

Key features:
- Unlimited Storage
- No Video Expiration
- Security
- Max File Size: 15GB
- Custom Domain
- Multi Quality
- Profitable Affiliate Program (0% Earning: Only 1 popad)
- Anti-Bot Embedcode
- Anti-Clone
- Anti-AdBlocker
- Legal adult/porn content is allowed

Earn Money:
- Views & Downloads are both counted, up to 2 user/IP within 24 hours.
- Video must be longer than 1 minute
- When ads are blocked, views & download are not counted
- No reward for automatic/bot download, attempting to bypass or do such thing that is unethical will result in immediate ban.
- Read More: Affiliate Program (

You can register here: (
If you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to post your suggestion here.
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It's funny when people cry because "views are going down". I'm not saying that it can't come from the host, but hey, it mainly comes from people simply not looking. (end of vacation, don't want to or whatever). Personally I noticed a drop but this does not come from the host but from the traffic and there is nothing you can do about that.
Me too. Even I share a little bit less but usually still got good views. But recent days views drop. when I tried to share like other days, still don't get views like before
I have double checked our logs. I see no errors, video is playing well and the stat should work normally.
Hello everyone!

We're excited to introduce our video hosting platform here at wjunction.

Key features:
- Unlimited Storage
- No Video Expiration
- Security
- Max File Size: 15GB
- Custom Domain
- Multi Quality
- Profitable Affiliate Program (0% Earning: Only 1 popad)
- Anti-Bot Embedcode
- Anti-Clone
- Anti-AdBlocker
- Legal adult/porn content is allowed

Earn Money:
- Views & Downloads are both counted, up to 2 user/IP within 24 hours.
- Video must be longer than 1 minute
- When ads are blocked, views & download are not counted
- No reward for automatic/bot download, attempting to bypass or do such thing that is unethical will result in immediate ban.
- Read More: Affiliate Program (

You can register here: (
If you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to post your suggestion here.
Can I get direct access to m3u8 I want to use it in my Android streaming app if yes let me know....if it's paid I am ready to pay for that
It's funny when people cry because "views are going down". I'm not saying that it can't come from the host, but hey, it mainly comes from people simply not looking. (end of vacation, don't want to or whatever). Personally I noticed a drop but this does not come from the host but from the traffic and there is nothing you can do about that.
It is funny also when you took that as conclusion for others