Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

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Drinkordie: Need PM of your username. It could be slowed down. We are acquiring new servers very soon.

solarman: 100% This week. Payment may be delayed today.


And I quote:
we see that premium stuff after 72 minutes, so we will bann your
hoster from our site, the only way to prevent the banning is 1. to undo
this premium shit or 2. to sell us your complete script.

1. No, we won't comply.
2. No, we won't comply.

This is like negotiating with terrorists. We don't.

scudkitten: Judge for yourself ;)
the only way to prevent the banning is 1. to undo
this premium shit or 2. to sell us your complete script

wow.. it's like talking with a 10-year old :/
too bad for them... very immature administrators :/
Drinkordie: Getting you checked out.

Cyberbob: As I previously stated, we could not comply with their demands. I do sense a bit of jealousy for our video player/host as they have hardly ever achieved that with their byproducts.
Will people that have transfers pending to their payout accounts (pending since Friday and Saturday) be able to receive the "late payments"?.
Payout 2011-02-22. When I get money?
To transfer as much as waiting for?

And another payment
Data transfer 2011-02-28.
Can you make a payment together ?

my username: molek55
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whats your critera for ''Country Groups''?
i want to start a new project a month later. it will be a local project ( for only Turkey).
i see, turkey in ''group d'' and ''Payment scheme'' not remarkable..
so .. my question, will you reappraise this system? i want to know, what do you think.
your answer important for me.
thank you.
I have basically been living on this thread for the last few days. I am very curious how this host will turn out. I have good vibes about it and I am happy with the support so far that has been given. Once all 4 of my pending payments go through I will make my final decision and move on from this thread. Thanks for your patience in all of this Dave.
Another strange situation, when I wanted to change my movie name something like this jump out: :blink:


Please fix this, I cant edit my movies names ... When I want to edit my movie name this jump out and I must refresh page and log on again,...
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It says I have

Earnings: $95.98

when I have yet to get any paypal payments. I am really confused how this whole payout system works. it says I was paid when clearly I was not paid any money.
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drinkordie: Did you try to refresh the page?

solarman: No it does not. Transfers happened today. We will payout tomorrow, so press payout if you want your payout ;)
You pressed Payout? It is in Pending?

Notice for all users, PAYOUTS, for THIS week only, will happen on Thursday the 3rd of March!

Next week we should be back to Tuesday Payouts :)
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