Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

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If you upload a file from a RL and it appears in myvideos, but is still processing, does that mean the file is 100% uploaded to videobb and I can delete that file from the RL?
We found out the reason why some movies are getting "slow" conversion. It has a lot to do with a few individuals uploading a TON of their videos to us and therefore putting you guys in a queue that can last up to a few days. We will be addressing this issue by adding more servers and improving the system to allow for "equal" conversion of each and everyone.

Enjoy people :)
vedatyes: You didn't PM me your username?

comebacktome: PM me your username and your video will get bumped.

lib3rty1: I strongly disagree. The problem is that certain individuals like to think about themselves before anyone else. We can put a cap on the remote and that will sort everything out - for everyone, but us. It will not promote growth. We do have servers on the way to cope with these certain individuals. For now, we're manually re-arranging the queue of videos. I do not see this becoming an issue for the next many months.

Please add "Contact LongBG by PM when Adult version is ready" to your TODO list :)

Also, if you need beta testers on that project, let me know!
hey dave,

im curious on the waiting time of remote upload videos - if you could give an estimate time for a 300mb mkv file | that'll be great .
@VBBDave i see that i have scored 17 view but my earnings are still 0.00 :/

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