[vb][phpbb3] Image Revenue, Watermarking, hotlink protection and thumbnail mod

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Active Member
Hate it when people leech your content? Hate it when people link to images that are hosted on blogs or publishers websites and they go dead?

Server Requirements:

- PHP Curl Extension
- PHP Mysql Extension & Mysql Server
- PHP GD if you want to do watermarking

Supports: IPB, vB and phpBB3

Mod Name: Image hotlinking protection and image mirroring MOD

- Watermarking (optional)
- Image mirroring (to im4ge.info for money or just to ensure it stays alive)
- Thumbnailing large images
- High performance
- Image Hotlink protection (optional)

Also you can use the mod to earn money: http://www.wjunction.com/showthread.php?p=77186

Please note if you want a image (e.g dynamic image) not to be mirrored change http:// to noupload://

MOD download
phpBB3: http://thewarezscene.org/files/img_upload_hotlink_phpbb3-1.0.7.rar
vB & IPB:http://thewarezscene.org/files/img_upload_hotlink_vb-ipb-1.0.7.rar
The watermarking options in this release are not tested yet, just disable them for this realease.

MOD Version: 1.0.6

If you are using a version less than 1.0.5 and upgrading to 1.0.6 you will need to reapply the change to include/bbcode.php as there are minor changes.
Sharpleech/ileech doesn't leech from just any forum so in 99.999% of the cases installing such a mod seems like a waste of time both for the webmaster and end user. This would only be handy for pbb and wbb. And I don't see them installing this tbh. Propz for the effort though :).

Btw, out of curiosity, at what point do the image url's get replaced with non working ones?
On page view, I had it on posting but I had problems with the method.

BTW it also protects from one of my leaching sites, and yes HyperZ I checked and it does leach from your sire lol (Randomly selects source about 1-3 posts from each to get best seo score).

a new version will be up in bout 20 mins, I got a but of time before I sleep.
On page view, I had it on posting but I had problems with the method.

BTW it also protects from one of my leaching sites, and yes HyperZ I checked and it does leach from your sire lol (Randomly selects source about 1-3 posts from each to get best seo score).

a new version will be up in bout 20 mins, I got a but of time before I sleep.

What are you talking about? You're saying sharpleech leeches from my site? That makes a lot of sense knowing that:

a) Code-Projects isn't in the leech from sites list.
b) Code-Projects was founded after sharpleech was released (LoL).

I don't know what you're trying to say there but it doen't make a lot of sense. Secondly if the image url gets changed on pageview the images wont show at all. Not to guests, members etc (if I understand it correctly). And thirdly that method wouldn't even stop ileech or sharpleech because they don't work the way you think they do. But as I stated in my other post, unless you own pornbb or warez-bb your forum isn't even supported by either leeching softwares.
too much work, but seriously it is nice to people leech from our site, esp when the links are our uploads ;)

besdies no one will waste his time to leech losers sites.
What are you talking about? You're saying sharpleech leeches from my site? That makes a lot of sense knowing that:

a) Code-Projects isn't in the leech from sites list.
b) Code-Projects was founded after sharpleech was released (LoL).

I don't know what you're trying to say there but it doen't make a lot of sense. Secondly if the image url gets changed on pageview the images wont show at all. Not to guests, members etc (if I understand it correctly). And thirdly that method wouldn't even stop ileech or sharpleech because they don't work the way you think they do. But as I stated in my other post, unless you own pornbb or warez-bb your forum isn't even supported by either leeching softwares.
Sorry then I was not refering to ileech or sharpleech instead to my own php software I use to feed a sblog.

Yes it would stop ileech because they would read the post html convert to bbcode seeing the image as a normal image, but the image has hotlink protection so instead of the actual image they would get an image like:

(Made that in PS in about 10 seconds)

3rdly the URL does not change on each page load, images are only uploaded once (first view) they are then stored in a mysql table, if you even looked at the mod you would see the first instruction is to create table.

too much work, but seriously it is nice to people leech from our site, esp when the links are our uploads ;)

besdies no one will waste his time to leech losers sites.

Its not to stop people who leech your uploads, its more to stop people using automated scripts to mirror it all or clone your site. Sites like rshunt.info that are sblogs and the likes (crawlers).

The next version will include a "exclude forum" feature that will allow posts in the guest download section not to be hotlink checked (optional feature, can be disabled in the next release)

It would be nice if you make a mod for the opposite [to prevent members leeching on the forum]
?? You want your site cloned. Having your posts cloned word for word means google tags your content as duplicate content making the post next to useless for google value (SEO).

Lets all not forget the main reason for this mod, image mirroring so when people link to images on some randoms free host blog or publishers website the images dont go dead when the site dies or the publisher blacklists you (as happened to some of our posts).
Ok, thought you were talking about ileech/sharpleech. But like I said, both don't work the way you think they do. They do not read the HTML and convert it into bbcode.

So in effect this prevents your leeching tool from leeching from a site? Kind of odd, that's like making a virus only to end up making an anti virus tool for it. Like fighting against yourself :p.
I know relasing this mod works against me but since now rshunt mostly leaches blogs and vb forums (although IPB and phpbb3/2 are supported) it doesnt bother me to much. I dont really care much about my rshunt site anymore. Anyway its offtopic that I am fighting against myself, the fact is I have a mod that should prove usefull to webmasters.
Sorry for the third post in the row but my phone doesnt support ajax (used in the edit button).

Do people want me to add watermark support? I have had it requested. Also vB support?
2morro I will release support for IPB (written for Warez Witch), SMF,myBB (Written for Gat Dat).

So we will support all the major board systems.
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