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Active Member
I want to sell the porn blog, i sell it for various reasons, i don´t have time to continue uploading and warez sites not motivate me anymore.

I want to sell everything, the package includes domain + database + template. The website is using Wordpress CMS. The template is unique and developed by me.

*Extra conditions: The buyer have to keep one of the footer links until July-16-2012, becaue is a payed link.

Traffic: The website have an average of stabilished 8000 unique visits day, traffic comes mostly from USA. I go to be honest, my site was affected by latest panda update, i usually have 12000 uniques day but the traffic lowered and stabilished into 8000 uniques/day, but my latest posts are unique and traffic increase again, the buyer should continue in this way and will reach high traffic. Screens:

Owner Proof:
Domain Name:
Registered With: Namecheap
Expires: 4 - June - 2013

Methods of Payment: Paypal or Paxum
Price or Starting Bid: 400$
Auction End Date: 29-June-2012
BIN (Buy It Now) Price: 650$
And What is your alexa rank? Is it within 100,000?

Who cares about Alexa Rank, we are in 2012 8-)

BIN reached by Frimen, so i have to speak privately with him and check if all transaction terms are ok.

As soon as i have more info about if the transaction proced or if the sale still open i will inform here.

Site is sold to Frimen, he already payed one part of the full price, the rest will payed when the domain transfer is done. We have to wait some days because the domain is transfered to another registrar, after that, i will inform again if the transacation was correct, so keep the post open please.

P.S: Not PM me with offers the site is already sold.

Added after 6 Days 16 Hours:

Transaction closed, all was ok in transaction.
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