v4.0 Final

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Active Member
It has been just about completed. The re-structuring of the website's modifications, graphics, additions, changes, addons, idea's and what not have just about all been implemented. There are still a few things left to improve on and add, however for the most part is what you are going to get.

With that being said I've decided to bring it here to the community for review. Please be sure if you do review the site to register an account, login, check out the site fully, log out (as there is additional things on logout ;)), and please let me know what you think.

What do you think? Arrrr matee's! :D
I like the skin but I've always liked the skin so that would be a comment you can't do anything with... :P

There are 2 things I would do different:

1) The banner; I don't see the connection between USA <-> Pirates
Your domainname is a great way to create a themed skin so the eagle would fit in better than a pirate.

2) I like the fash banner - I'm still planning to create my own but I'll be having the same problem your having now: a big useless empty space next to it
So I'd suggest to either make it spread larger to cover up more space.
Warez <-> Pirates.

Just because it has USA before the Warez doesn't mean I have to consistently push the USA theme. All the Warez in the world is made up of 90% USA goods. But this site is for more people than just Americans. Although I am an American myself, I also have about 5 other prominent backgrounds running through my blood which makes me a MUT. So put aside the USA theme for now and look at it from the Warez aspect and you will have your link between the two. @the Eagle, I used that last year, it's played out, doesn't appeal to the world, a pirate does, were all pirates, and everyone likes USA products, so come and get em pirates xD

I like the flash banner too, I will be putting something else next to it and changing the .css of the flash banner to be way way way nicer before I begin to re-push UW again.

I still have a lot of stuff to do, but I was just excited to release the news to the public that I am getting very close to the point of release finally. I can't take the inactivity anymore!

Also, for those of you experiencing connectivity issues, that will be immediately resolved as soon as USAWarez is placed on a fresh I.P block. This is the next main thing that will be focused on. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Forum header text font/colors for both usawarez and katz and phaze don't flow well really, I'd suggest changing them
+1 on the site, The only thing that doesn't fit for me is the favicon

-1 on this:


On the footer it shows it like that.
I can only access through a proxy :/

Logged in through proxy :
You are a valued member here at! Unfortunately you've been registered for 376 days now but haven't posted anything yet. Just so you know we will be deleting in-active accounts from time to time.

So why not take the time to make an introduction & let everyone get to know you. You can do so by clicking here!

Holy shit lmfao.
@Dean2k, make a post already lol wtf
@Fanobliv, why is it ugly?
@Flash, working it, is fine in IE, FF soon 2 come (you are using firefox? right).
@ c0rrup, Phaze & Katz buttons may be made smaller, or may be removed/altered in some way depending on some things coming up, time will tell.

Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming. Don't forget it's not just about the header image, etc. Please actually register, browse through the site and give a real honest review. ;)
Ya i agree it does seem a tiny bit out of place, but its nice none the less.. I have not seen any other sites with anything like that.. It should be blended a bit more, but it doesnt make the site look "bad" or anything..

As for using a Proxy, once the server is moved, all will be fixed give it a week or so.
@s0nic, thanks I didn't know it did that is safari!
@Clarksta, how slow bro? Seems fast here, anyone else having loading issues (other than being blocked permanently)
@Dean2k, live ran said above, as soon as we get on the fresh i.p block we'll be giving access to you and thousands of others throughout the world that are currently being denied.

Thanks for all of your feedback everyone, your suggestions in regards to the banner have been taken into consideration and we may begin working on adding a body and some torque to the graphic in the future.

Anything else?

Where's the rest of you commentators at? xD
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