Shared - 5Gb Webspace/50Gb Bandwidth from $2.00 (Romania)

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Active Member
Merry Christmas! Wish you a very Happy New Year 2011 bursting with joy, love and happiness. Have a great New year. Enjoy our latest promotion by upgrade to higher plan from today to 28 Dec 2011.

We 're using CloudLinux on all servers, install Softaculous latest version (you can easy creat your new wordpress, joomla or magento site after a few clicks) and Litespeed Technology (9x faster more than apache/centos).


Free Upgrade <3 to higher plan for Christmas only. please reply here your invoice to take it.
End date: 28 Dec 2011

UPDATE: We complete move all clients from Netherlands Server to Romania Server.

Our Cheap Reseller Hosting

5000Mb Webspace (Free Upgrade to 10Gb Webspace)
50000Mb Bandwidth (Free Upgrade to 100Gb Bandwidth)
Creat Unlimited Hosting Accounts
x999 Domains
No limit features
Softaculous Installer
Cpanel Control Panel
Highest uptime guarantee

Price: $2/month, prepay for a year just $20 <3
Order USA | Order Romania (DMCA ignore and warez linking allowed)

Our Cheap Stable Hosting

1000Mb Webspace (Free Upgrade to 2000Mb Webspace)
10000Mb Bandwidth (Free Upgrade to 20000Mb Bandwidth)
2 Addon Domains (Free Upgrade to 5 Addon Domains)
2 Parked Domains (Free Upgrade to 5 Parked Domains)
10 FTP Accounts (Free Upgrade to 20 Accounts)
10 Email Accounts (Free Upgrade to 20 Accounts)
10 MySQL Databases (Free Upgrade to 20 Accounts)
Cpanel Control Panel
99,99% Uptime Network
Weekly Backup to offline server (London)

Recurring price: $5.00 yearly
Order USA | Order Romania (Warez Linking, Nulled Script allowed!)

You can pay our service throught PayPal, AlertPay, Liberty Reserve and 2Checkout (credit cards from Pakistan, India... allowed)

Want to have discount?
Contact our Sales Department at to receive discount from 10-20%. ;)

Our policy:
30 Days Money Back Guarantee 8-)
Ticket, Email, MSN and Live Chat support
You can free upgrade to higher plan anytime

UpReseller Network | Shared Hosting, Unlimited Hosting, Reseller and Master Reseller since 2006
Starting hosting from $5/year only. 99,99% Uptime Guarantee, Softaculous and Weekly Backup
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do you offer reseller vps

No, at current time we just offer VPS for old customers (which used our service for at least 1 year).

Are you on VPS or DEDI , And are you Overselling your server. Your prices are impossible.

Our service is hosted on Dedicated Server with 16GB Ram, 8 core and ready offline backup to London Server. :sun:


We complete move all Netherlands client to new server at Romania with completed ignore DMCA policy. :)
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