UploKing.com - Earn up to $30 for 1000 downloads!

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i am premium and RU work strange.
Sometimes all work good.
Sometimes in filemanger the files have the right size but when you download it the size is wrong.
Sometimes RU completed in 1s with files in Files manager but files are totally wrong about size.
And last bug you can add 3 links in RU but me never can do it,always got error message when add 3 links. so i add only 2 links.

After Ftp sometimes all is ok sometimes too slow or some files are stuck or nothing work.

Webupload try only 2 times and I never received files in Files manager.

You need to improve a lot your service,because in fact since the begining really nothing change or so few.

And 28.73$ 2013-01-25 12:05:06 Processing
Unfortunetly we had to delete some file because of our server issue. We are sorry for that, but since now everything should be fine.

We will fix your access today.

Also, we will try to make free remote today.
You should have to close your site. Everyday user can't able to download files. Uploaders can't able to upload files. You always move files from S1 to S2, S2 to S3, S3 to S1 and so on so on so on so on. No body knows why you do this? Close any server anytime and up any server anytime. Now its too much. You should have to fix instantly. Uploaders give you one month to fix each and everything. But nothing happens. Everyday you said that tomorrow will be ok. Every week you said that next week everything will be ok. But no body knows when you tomorrow or next week come.

I can't say anything more. Because I have no words what I say or what uploaders think about this host. Downloaders everyday complaining this problem, that problem, and ....... problem.
Another week is gone and again your service isn't better like 4 weeks ago.

Webupload don't work.
FTP seems works only for Uploking-Staff-Members.
Zoom Upload implementation- You don't care about it

My Account

95 Files deleted - ca. 20 GB
Other Files aren't downloadable because they are stored on S3 which isn't working.

And you really think again that it isn't actually to give a compensation for your affiliates?

I guess you are drinking beer with your staff members and are laughing about all those stupid Uploaders which use your Service.

For me its done. 4 Weeks and not even ONE Issue is solved.

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