Uploadgig.com Discussion

For me UG have problems simple my monthly earning on ug is 700 and now is drop to 200 per month
but nevermind host will be dead soon because most people leave how i can see and going to work with other host due low earnings on uploadgig.
your earning drop doesn't mean UG shave, there are so many choices out there today, you cannot expect earning keeps growing, no business guarantee
how do you see most people leave? my forum and some webs I visit still use UG
your earning drop doesn't mean UG shave, there are so many choices out there today, you cannot expect earning keeps growing, no business guarantee
how do you see most people leave? my forum and some webs I visit still use UG
Because i work this 12 years or more and i know most pro uploaders not a leechers and all uploaders leaving simple.. maybe is your forum 18+ yes some uploaders still use ug but check place is not first host like before. People is not crazy to pay example https://uploadgig.com/premium/prepay/1 and to pay 55% fee if pay via paypal that is crazy
Do not know why complains?
I have extremely good resluts with them, before and now.
Btw, anybody know why Ppal payout is delayed.
Why ? Because i dont know what is happening am not porn uploaders i am post movies and tv shows and i am complain due low earning which is on my side drop too much
Paypal is not delayed i got payment after 24hrs
f*** dead they dont give anything
Nobody is obligated to GIVE you anything, you need to earn ! Biggest mistake of this hosting is that they used to give to everybody, no matter if they earned or not. I think that is in the past now and hope it stays that way. May be they got smarter because i can clearly see they stopped giving money away to every trash uploading in their hosting.
Nobody is obligated to GIVE you anything, you need to earn ! Biggest mistake of this hosting is that they used to give to everybody, no matter if they earned or not. I think that is in the past now and hope it stays that way. May be they got smarter because i can clearly see they stopped giving money away to every trash uploading in their hosting.
Again porn uploader which force users to buy premium STFU
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mojneto, first of all im not porn uploader but that is not important. The important thing is fikper will no longer earn/steal money from my work and give them to you and all of you PPD parasites.
Soon you'll be back in this thread kissing UG's ass like always and when that happens i hope they GIVE you what you have earned - a big zero. And i will not stfu :D
mojneto, first of all im not porn uploader but that is not important. The important thing is fikper will no longer earn/steal money from my work and give them to you and all of you PPD parasites.
Soon you'll be back in this thread kissing UG's ass like always and when that happens i hope they GIVE you what you have earned - a big zero. And i will not stfu :D
alibaba first i am webmaster around 12 years and please dont learn me i am not leechers and i am never use PPD. Who is told something about fikper here ? Alibaba show stats common you leech maybe my files or from others because leechers with freedy app is destroyed almost all. I hope you will earn like me.. and go kiss owner of site who give you access to post.
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The scam in this hosting is ridiculous, their scam is getting worse every hour. They don't have much time left. Not with me anyways !
Whaaat ???
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Yeah, webmaster wasting time going trough my old posts , really ? And what is this quote ? Am i supposed to feel compromised or what ? And you giving an example (or may be using the case to advertise) of some WC site dropping uploadgig, who cares ? I doubt there is another person with more leechers parasites than me but thats another thing and im definitely not discussing that with you, you and me - we are from different dimensions, dont bother writing again, you wont get an answer from me. I value my time, unlike you.
Yeah, webmaster wasting time going trough my old posts , really ? And what is this quote ? Am i supposed to feel compromised or what ? And you giving an example (or may be using the case to advertise) of some WC site dropping uploadgig, who cares ? I doubt there is another person with more leechers parasites than me but thats another thing and im definitely not discussing that with you, you and me - we are from different dimensions, dont bother writing again, you wont get an answer from me. I value my time, unlike you.
Bye to dimension where you born.