Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

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hello Jo, Please set me premium, my username : GERMANY2014

and why i cannot add payment? this error: [h=1]Change Payment Method Failure[/h]Please enter a valid payment account info

i add 4-5 other my Webmoney Z numbers, but not added write this error!
emigrant - Adding payment works fine, I just tested it. Go back to the page read it carefully and change your address to your payment address. It works so whatever errors you are seeing are caused by you.
I still need to wait more than a hour to get all my files from pending to my files! are you really want to fix the problem or just saying?
Hello Uploadable-Jo

Can I ask for you to registered/assign me as referral to another uploader?
though I already have account?
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Please increase the storage limit, I have no space and that prevents me to continue sharing my files. Or, do I can have more than one free account?

Please upgrade my account to premium, my user is andi21

Kind regards.
kaizer01 - We don't actually provide that service. Users should register under their referral originally.

admgamer - Of course we will have everything fixed, no point saying it if we don't plan to do it :)

andi21 - done
please count rebill :)
1 more question: i can't change plan immediately at the first time?
why it take so long?
The new money program - Pay Per Sale - Commission will be effective on 5 AM GMT 13May2014
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yoursoulismine - Rebills might be added int he future, for now no.

It's set to every 7 days so that users don't change plans daily, that would cause problems for the system as it would be continual rapid plan changes making stats collecting complicated.

Added after 40 minutes:

zhugeliangvn - You have no files uploaded, so no I won't upgrade you. Ask again when you have been working with us properly.

linhad888 / jiji123 /
momeno029 - Done.

For those who think I will just hand out premiums to everyone, this is not the case. Don't ask if you know you won't meet the criteria I require.

Also users need to begin to redeem their own premiums as I won't be upgrading forever.


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Pay this Friday

Hello I have a friend from payment date 02/05/2014 money to pay $ 21.18 Pending State need to know whether to make payment on this date? Friday
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