Upgraded from 3.0.4 to 3.1.4 few problems but install all went well

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Active Member
Hi Guys I have few minor problems

Problem 1.

Reps don't work if I click give rep it still showing as 0 on thread where it use to show how many reps the member has recived.


Now its just shows this regardless if the person has been reped or not

I was using 3.0.4 but upgraded to 3.1.4

Another problem I have is this.

I sign in everything is fine I look at thread, click index page to go back to home page and I get signed out and asking me to sign in again.

Can any one suggest anything as its really frustrating for me.

Thats the thing old skin was not compatable the skin Im using now is it was made for 3.1.4 I specially downloaded for that reason. Thanks for reply
Check here:
If you read what one of the real professionals on IPB skins says (Ehren on IPBForumskins) is that he recommends not to use this tool but instead reinstall the skin. From my personal point of experience I have to agree with Ehren.

If you anyway want to try this I highly recommend to test it first on a testboard as that might save you alot of headache if shit hits the fan so to speak. :D

Good luck...

Yes, you need to upgrade to the latest version.

There are a lot of mods available for the 3.2.x series. And more advanced then for the version you are using.
3.23 still has a lot of bugs and has changed the database design. SO if you want to upgrade test on a test forum and use a backup of the current database with a new name.
For that logout problem, I had it once I changed my hosting to another place < Shared to Shared.
Just clear the cookies, catch and flush DNS catch.
It will do. ;)

Ps. Go to cPanel > MySQL > Check DB if it's broken repair it from there or go to acp and check Support > DB.

@LD: Thank you for tip, I was going to upgrade from 3.1.4 but I guess its wise decision to wait for one or two more updates from IPB guys :D
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