UndergroundPrivate.com-cPanel,Offshore,DDos protectd,SSD,Private from 1.50$(RU|FR|NE)


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UndergroundPrivate - We are different than others

Tired of

  • Getting scammed by fake hosts that tell you they will provide you will excellent service and support?
  • All the times downtime?
  • Owners of hosts that interested only for you money
  • Slow and non quality services
  • You cant have free of speech on the Internet?
  • Hosts that close in a minute

You are looking for a trusted shared hosting? Bored with fake hosting providers? Bored the downtime and runaway? The support you must wait hours and hours? Well we are not like them, you came in the right place! We respect our clients and points to their security, our host is not overselling or having downtime like most others host have and telling lies. You can purchase one of our services and you will see everything is truth that we are writing.Underground Hosting works towards and spreading the free of speech in the Internet & offering its clients a first-class service for low prices. In our shared hosting you will have the freedom of speech and you will have services by a trusted and responsible host company.

Underground Private first appeared in 2012. It is one of the most trust web companies on the Internet. Every day our company grows up and we have numerous of faithful customers that trust us. We understand hosting technology and customer privacy better than anybody and that can be shown in services and our support and not only in words.

What makes us different? And why you to choose us?
Our first point is our customers privacy, support and satisfaction. With UndergroundPrivate hosting you have privacy & support & quality services 100%, you can choose us and see if it is all truth that we are writing, many companies just writing that they best and they not worth nothing.

Our servers and hardware?
Our servers are located in Russia. All Datacenters are built with high quality devices and have professional personnel for the maintenance and extension of their network.

What do we allow?
We allow everything you can imagine except child porn, malicious and virus programs, botnet contoller. Please look at our Terms Of Service rules

All web hosting plans include:

  • Latest cPanel version
  • SSD Hard Disk
  • CloudLinux
  • DDos Protection
  • DMCA ignored
  • 24x7 Support via ticket
  • 1Gbps Network
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Instant Setup
  • Fast and reliable data storage
  • Free website migration

Shared Hosting Packages :

Personal - 3.50$ / month - Order: Click Here To Order
Business - 4.50$ / month - Order: Click Here To Order
Enterprise- 7.00$ / month - Order: Click Here To Order

There are also plans and Quarterly, Semi-Annually & Annually

Reseller Packages :

Economy - 8.00$ / month Order: Click Here To Order
Premium - 25$ / month Order: Click Here To Order
Ultimate - 33$ / month Order: Click Here To Order

There are also plans and Quarterly, Semi-Annually & Annually

Payment Methods We Accept
All invoices can be paid using: Paypal , BitCoin , Webmoney & Paysafecard, IBAN transfers.
Contact Us
You can also find us on skype under the name UndergroundPrivate , or contact us via email sales.undergroundprivate.com@clientlogin.sx or use the contact us form
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I have to say I am utterly impressed.

Though the down time was quite long, everything came back with no data loss & even appears to be faster now.

A first-rate, expert work, thumbs-up :good:

Very, very glad to be your client!
Thank you undergroundprivate.com for providing such a support to us. You do what you say...thank you for understanding client's importance and showing tremendous support throughout this blackout.

You are the best offshore hosters ever....even when you were down....

Keep providing this awesomeness ....

You are up now and it was worth waiting...
Dear client and customers,

We would like to first thank all our clients and other fans of us who stayed all the time with us , thank you for your support e-mails , skype messages and much more of it , thank you for everything. As the most know we had a issue with a service asking about some of the details of our clients which it has been denied , then suddenly some of our connections has been lost. We told and we will told multiple times more we are the only supporters of the real freedom of speech , this is not a marketing trick like the most does write , we will write we are real safe hosting provider for hosting , this has happened can proof anything regarding this! Some of the shared servers has gone done some days due the migration of almost large size of files (TB) , other shared servers had no issue with downtime regarding. We not share , we not rent , we not sell any of your information's , UndergroundPrivate is an idea which cannot be stopped like that , it is very rare that any provider could get back online after those issues.

We want to thank you , thank's those who trust us , we received a large number of requests regarding requests for hosting , we are trying to assist you all in the best possible time , we are getting customers from whole of the world , we are happy the news come from one place of world to other. Thank you all !

After that issue we had suddenly on a Amsterdam location of server the server got offline due fail issue with electricity black out happened , we would like to inform everyone to take backups frequently and not be bored.

We are back on our new latest technology servers , with the best quality you can find and the best support , we do what we say ! We are real offshore hosting provider which will do what will say to you No need to worry about anything , our services is all back and we continue. If anyone has any questions regarding sales or other issue please it is better you contact us via the below method :

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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Mine is still down to this day. What happen?

Update: Service is back but with large part of content gone missing.
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Hello ,

We would like to thank people who care about the hosting like it is their own , please souza we will ask you kindly not to provide non real comments that was down , you had received the e-mail for changing ip days ago like all clients did , you did not paid attention or the e-mail registrar block it , you had e-mail client history which you not saw. Also note that from here we wont provide you support , it takes only a minute to open a ticket. We have notified from no one except you from the contents , so please not confuse on this topic and let's write the things like it is.

We would like to thank you all who you contacting us everyday , we do our best to assist you in the best possible way and time. Thank you , we are here and we provide you the best services with highly privacy and quality services.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
this is the best hosting provider ever i found...i am so happy i heard about you before so many months...i am client here more than 8 months...i am so happy you protected us with last issue and so happy you got back so much faster...the last time that did happened to a different hoster i had they closed....but you are the best and true thank you...the VPS they have they are so fast...i love you <3
Dear clients and customers ,

Today is we have heard some not good news for some of our clients (friends) , an big earthquake has hit the Nepal , some of our clients are located in this country , let's pray all so we heard good news from them , we are really worrying , any help needed will be sent to Nepal by UndergroundPrivate , if there will be a emergency message all will be notified for us everyone in UndergroundPrivate provide any help needed to those people we have not heard still from them.Here we are all one , there is no difference between us at any point , we are all one like we wrote , that's the soul of UndergroundPrivate , we hope we get good news soon from our people.

We want to thank you all for the mass emails you are sending to us , we are doing our best to provide you the best quality and services , we respect highly your privacy and we will continue to provide this will never ever provide you nobody as long as we are all here with you all , we want to thank you from our heart you all ! To those who are trying to bring us down please not loose your time.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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Hello Manuel ,

Thank you for contacting us , please click go to undergroundprivate.com and you will see above Client Login click and then click order hosting.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
i am now shifted to undergroundprivate again,

just leave them 4 months ago and now back to them due to poor speed and also very slow support of other host they are realy slow waiting for single reply of support team takes 4 to 5 days and some time a week,

now i am shifted back my domains to them and they are super fine with support they help me to fix my vps and also help me to solve my some domain problems, i have torjans and viruses and malwares you can say like 4000+ files of torjans thats why google banned the domain this poor relaiablty of that previous hosting.

but underground private gives me the awsome way,they tell me to solve this big problem and now they deleted every torjans,malwares hosted in my database. now my sites are super fast then before.

i say thanks you to thier support team and also suggest to other friends to check a while for thier great service, i think they are too serious with thier clients and also know the values of thier problem cause to thier services.

i realy apreciate your work,

thanks you underground private.com for being a great service live long.....

support is awesome . my experience with this host is amazing. i join this host with one year and yesterday only i face a problem then i contact support department and my issue is resolve instantly.
thanks great support and hosting i recommend it.