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No problem. Well, yes if you're earning 4/1000, it's not the optimum filesize tier. In order to earn a lot more than what you are earning now, you need to promote the countries which we pay the most for, and the filesizes we pay the most for. We're not in the business of trying to be the host which pays out the most money to affiliates, and then the host disappears a month or 2 later.
We understand that as an affiliate, obviously you guys would like us to pay out top money to countries which aren't buying premiums, and we cannot get good advertisers for, but that simply cannot happen. The money to pay affiliates has to come from somewhere. Either from premium sales, or advertising revenue.
At anyrate, we turned on multiple count, and yet people are still complaining. I guess there will always be something to complain about no matter what. I don't see people complaining on all these xfs sites which have been hacked, and they lose their files and money, but yet we're trying to pay out more money to our affiliates, and we send weekly payouts, and our service is rock-solid but yet, it's still not good enough.
Go figure. :)

as for the .0004 It could be how many times that user has already been counted in the system. The first download is 100%, second is a lower %, third is a lower % from second. I know it's not a HUGE change, but it's still paying out more, and it still is counting more than other hosts who only count 1 per 24h.

Your Login & Password sent to your E-mail

what kind of message this is ??? to recover password
It seems to me that you reset your password?
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i'm very confused with the count

suppose a person download one of my small size file say 1mb in group D... i earned 0.0005$

again the same person download one of my big file size say 900MB in group D

whether i earned 0.0025$ ??

or i earned only 0.0001$ which is fraction of 0.0005$ ??
I want to start upload . But I can't upload 1GB+ file. Is there any way free user can Upload more than 1GB+ file?

Edit : Sorry! My Mistake.. I post in wrong Thread :(
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688.93 MB File Downloaded from USA in Raw+1 = $0.0010 and
$0.0013 from 790.89 MB - Raw+1 USA ...Rly?

Old UMB(When u back and pay again) is better than now and don't write than I don't have good traffic becouse I see what traffic I have.

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File not available

Same issue "File not available" in my account.
Can you fix mine?
I pm you already.
Can you check pm?
UMB is for me absolute no waste of time.. they have paid me several times on time now. and i have not lost any uploaded files
since september.
If UMB ever decide to pull the plug i can easy lean back and say UMB was the right choice for me.
688.93 MB File Downloaded from USA in Raw+1 = $0.0010 and
$0.0013 from 790.89 MB - Raw+1 USA ...Rly?

Old UMB(When u back and pay again) is better than now and don't write than I don't have good traffic becouse I see what traffic I have.

If you're traffic is not earning as much as you think it should, maybe you're working with the wrong host. You see the stats table, and the countries and filesizes which we pay the most out to. Please concentrate your traffic on those countries and filesizes if you wish to earn more. If you can't control your origin of traffic, there are plenty of other hosts who pay different rates for different countries. You are not forced to work with us. But if you only want to complain about what you're earning with UMB, it's not necessary, as there are plenty of affiliates who earn great money with UMB and get paid out every week. So if you do not need any support, quit trolling the thread please.


Lowest rate at WJ
definately not the lowest rates at WJ, but maybe the lowest rates for your traffic. There are plenty of hosts to choose from, if we don't pay what you expect for your traffic origins, then you have many hosts to choose from.


Same issue "File not available" in my account.
Can you fix mine?
I pm you already.
Can you check pm?
Hi jienan, unfortunately, the time you uploaded those files, was a time when we had a bad array. The problem is fixed now, and shouldn't occur anymore. Please delete the files, and reupload.
Sorry for the inconvenience. thank you for using UMB.

Now , umb its total waste of time , but they are very trustful , old times was better ( september , november )
coolro, we can't control your traffic, so if you're earning low with us, then i suggest that you use another host which pays more for your traffic. But there are plenty of affiliates earning great money weekly with us.
UMB, Your wrong ;)... with old affiliate system we earn 2x , but now you count raw downloads? seriosly... all week i earn 3$ + with files 750mb+ and trafic from US and GR, but now 2$ and mmy downloads increase
with multiple downloads now stats are very very low but my downloads increase :) :-j
Should we just turn off multiple counts then? And be like the majority of other hosts? Will you then stop complaining about our rates?

Added after 2 minutes:

UMB, Your wrong ;)... with old affiliate system we earn 2x , but now you count raw downloads? seriosly... all week i earn 3$ + with files 750mb+ and trafic from US and GR, but now 2$ and mmy downloads increase
we just turned on multiple counts a few days ago, and the majority of our affiliates are earning substantially more. We can't control your traffic, so please, if you're earning low with us, use another host which will pay you more? I have affiliates that are earning 100's per week. If you're only earning 3$ per week, don't blame us man. Find a host that can properly monetize your countries which you promote to. There will always be a few affiliates that complain no matter what. First we didn't pay all countries, now we do. First we didn't count multiple downloads, now we do. Instead of blaming us for your earnings, and keep coming in here, and coming up with excuses why you're not earning what you think you should, how about you work on your traffic?
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