Ultimate RDP Tool v1.1 - Fully Automated! + MTN!

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Active Member
I proudly present the new Ultimate RDP Tool!


* What is new in v1.1
- MTN Support added for AVI.
- Fully AUTOMATED function added(loop, the tool will finish all files from input dir until its empty!).
- Rename and NO-rename function added.
- Few bug fixes.
* What all those buttons?
- Start (Multi-RAR) = This action will process Example.part1.rar-Example.part9.rar. This is NOT automated since I didn't got it working with multiple rar inputs.
- Start Auto (Single-RAR) = This action will process ALL rar files one by one! This is FULLY automated.
- Start Auto + Rename (Single-RAR) = This action will process ALL rar files one by one! and supports user input rename. This is FULLY automated.
- Start Auto (Single-AVI) = This action will process ALL rar files one by one! This is FULLY automated.
- Start Auto + Rename (Single-AVI) = This action will process ALL rar files one by one! and supports user input rename. This is FULLY automated.
* What does it do?
Unrars archives from the specified input directory, then deletes crap files, e.g. url/nfo/txt/inks if it's an AVI it will take MTN screenshots.
then adds your file and rars the files to a rar/rars (parts supported.), it will auto rename the rars. This is fully automated.
* What are the features?
- Unrar/zip/tar/gzip/7z/etc
- Removes crap
- Adds your file
- Takes MTN screenshot!
- Configurable Compression ratio
- Configurable Filesize limit
- Renames to your defined filename
- Auto-Rename / No-Rename!
- Automatically rars the files into parts of XXX MB
- Repeats the steps untill all files are done, FULLY AUTOMATED!
* Guide for noobs?
1. Launch the app, go to Settings tab and change the values.
Temp Directory = A temporary directory to work in.
Input Directory = A directory to put your target in.
Output Directory = A directory where the results will be copied to.
File to Add = Specify the file that needs to be added to the archive.
Splitsize = Define the maximum part file of a rar. e.g 100MB:100000KB
Compression Level = Define the compression ratio for rarring, 0 is store and 5 is maximum, note that the maximum level will take more time.

DOWNLOAD(1.1): http://www.mediafire.com/?4sokzu71g0bmk5s

DOWNLOAD(1.0) OLD VERSION: http://www.mediafire.com/?76p7o0zawyex7ca

OMG you did it :D thank you thank you, this is the gonna save me shitload of time man, thanks a lot <3
Thanks, no I'm too lazy to make a video lol.

@nICEsHARE, what do you mean with xnetworkz support this?
xNetworkz has nothing to do with this :P
It seems to freeze or hog the CPU for a VERY long time when "Moving, From XXX to XXX" - and this is with ~100 MB RARs :|
I used the "Start Auto (Single RAR)" function.

Do you need any more information regarding this?

Other than that, this is a pretty useful tool for lazy people :P

EDIT: After the 4 100 MB RARs finished, it still hogs about 10% CPU usage on an i7 650. Scrolling in the log window is very laggy too.

Hope this helps.
Thanks Jueki, I will look into it.

What are your system specifications?

Are those rars parts? or just rar releases of approx. 100mb?

Note to EVERYBODY: Don't try to run this on a Celeron or Pentium xD
Core i7 and 6 GB DDR3 RAM, shouldn't need to go into details as this is just RARing :P
The RARs are just programs/videos below 100 MB, single archives.

Just double-checked, CPU usage is 0% @ Idle but as soon as i click into/try to scroll the log window, it goes up to 10~15% CPU usage for about 3-5 seconds.
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