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There will always be somebody disgruntled. If it didn't work out for you, then move on please. For most of us, it's working just fine.

Regarding not being credited when sales are made through resellers, this happens for every other hosts and there is really no way to "fix" this. The hosts are also very aware of this fact, and I think they are entitled to not credit sales to us since the commission must be paid to the resellers.
In the end, they may get even less on sales from resellers than if they sold directly.

There is really no way to be able to credit a sale if users apply a premium key in their member area.

Just look at ryushare for example. I'm pretty sure that most premium sales are made through resellers. My guess is perhaps 75% or more and webmasters won't get anything at all. Yet many webmasters are still making quite good money. Just really shows how much premium sales ryu are really making.
somebody disgruntled??? for sure tons of us feel now disgruntled... because it's not fair removing for a plan without any official announcement, it's not fair using dirty tricks to retain affiliates saying "as you did not do your job selling premiums I remove you for PPD bla bla bla" when it's almost impossible making a sale in ufox, and if you do one goes to the reseller and not for you.

My traffic is almost 95% from tier I countries and I bet other filehosts will be more than happy with my traffic and other uploaders traffic too, if they want traffic they must pay for it. And you can find filehosts that pay to uploaders for the resellers sales, filemates did do, and actually other do it as well ( I will not mention the names here in this thread ... but with a little research you can find it easily ;) ).

And again, all ufox users that got moved to PPS without our consent in a dictatorial and authoritarian way better stop using ufox remove their links, so ufox will understand the importance of traffic, and why is valuable pay for it .... ;) we are not stupid and I feel deeply upset and pissed off

best regards
Well, I can see you got some army of yours there...

Well, why don't you move on to whatever other hosts that may appreciate your traffic more than here.

Let's just say that they decided that they didn't really want to work with you anymore, so they moved you to PPS as a hint. If they are not happy with you, they have the right to remove you for whatever reason. We live in an unfair world man.

So, go ahead and move your links and go elsewhere.
@The uploader

definitely nope! ;)

but I understand the few of you that are still in the navy of ufox, and probably still in PPD program because probably feel worried of being kicked of PPD soon and because you and others like you also are living of our not paid traffic ... and I have something clear, I feel tired of working to others who give me silly excuses and tricks, tired of working for resellers, and tired for working to other "privileged" uploaders that are still in PPD (with probably few sales and a wonderful traffic of bangladesh for example).

I will not work for them .... I want my valuable traffic credited and my sales credited.

Best regards
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Good for you and clever for you, if this filehost wants traffic they must pay for it ... in special if you send tier I traffic ... with 10570 dl you at least must have 1 or 2 sales in avergage ... that's show something fishy in the way they count the stats. They don't credited properly the sales if someone is converted.

This filehost pay, that's true, but pay by far much less than the uploader deserves and gained with their files. Probably the 25$ of ufox are 100$ or 150$ in other filehost .... so this is totally unfair behaviour.

linkx in the market you can find better options that pay for PPD and sales and rebills even the made for reseller, look in this subforum ;)

best regards

I have already found better, without difficulty, the more boring it is to transfer everything.

But this is not the place to talk about it, I respect the choice of ZAP although I do not like the sudden change he made.
I feel happy for you linkx, and I agree with you that this is not the place to talk about it (about other better filehost options), but about ZAPu I feel hurt, used and a little bit betrayed, because ZAPU in january asking me for advice and consultant and I did believe in him I still have the pms, if he give me permision I can show a capture.

I don't like the dictatorial way to remove affiliates and more when you know how the filehost works. Then as this is an issue of offer and demand it's pretty obvious that we will move to better options as same as he removed us from PPD without any announcement and our consent.

Traffic have a price and must be credited

Best regards
I agree on this part: Zap could give a clue about it (changing to PPS) before doing it.
But I think it's also right to do that.. Because we all know that now a days its really tough to remain still with only PPD affiliate program for a filehost. However, its true that ufox only had PPD, that's why ppl couldn't work with mixd/pps plan individually. But we should also consider that, without sells he can't pay us. & he mentioned it, "Those ppl, who didn't make any sell at all are moved from PPD to PPS". So I think its fair enough to remove such affiliates who were getting paid by Zap twice or more in a month, but didn't give him a sell.
Anyways, I felt its fair enough, that's why I'm agree with Zap to keep this great host alive. It's just my own opinion. So please don't start any kind of debate/argument with each-other or with me for my opinions. I didn't quote anyone, so I hope no one will quote me as well. Thanks! :)

"Those ppl, who didn't make any sell at all are moved from PPD to PPS".

But how do you know that you did not make any sale?? I bet you did it, in special via reseller. I know very well xfilesharingpro script, I know very well how does it work.

I tested another filehost ( I will not mention here because linkx is right about that point) and with half of files that I had in ufox, the same kind of files, I made a sale (with relative few files) in only one day.

I want to keep alive filehosts who show fair behaviour with affiliates and customers (yes those guys who buy premiums) , ... and removing without our consent from PPD and credited bad the sales and paying less than the uploader really gained with their files, it's not the best way precisely and if we tolerate this behaviour against some affiliates first, I can guarantee that tomorrow they will do the same with the rest of afilliates... and finally they will stop paying arguing that the market is so difficult, tons of costs, changing of busisness (write here a bunch of silly excuses) etc but with the pockets full thank to our efforts.

You must keep in mind that you are an uploader and you do an effort, you are working for yourself and not for Non-governmental organization (cyberlockers are the opposite to a NGO) ... and they will kick you out and run with the money not when they have losses, no, they will kick you out when they see that they are not gaining enough (even if the filehost it's still profitable). So when you first see the first symptoms of that, the thing we can do is being strong, unite and demand an explanation, if we acting unite, I can guarantee cyberlocker scams will drop considerably, so those affiliates who got kicked from PPD to PPS without our consent and any polite announcement, must leave it, and in this way ufox will understand how important is traffic and how important is being polite and ethic with affiliates.

best regards
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I agree with your perspective mate. However, I'm also agree with Zap in this thing as well:
"Those ppl, who didn't make any sell at all are moved from PPD to PPS".

The thing is, I've faith in Zap (I know him almost a year & he kept all his promise that he said to me) that, he only moved those ppl, who had no sell at all. However, everyone does make mistakes. So, if Zap moved anyone by mistake, even though he/she had only one sell from his/her file(s), then I'll also say that Zap should move that/those person/ppl to PPD again.

I know a host who was once kicked out from WJ as being called a Scammer by a Mod (&, that Mod was also kicked out from WJ for misusing his power). The funny thing is that, I had earned a lot (really a lot) from that host & I joined them after they had been kicked out from here. Unfortunately they couldn't pay me my last $1**. They were only PPD host & most of his uploaders didn't sell a single account from their files. As a result, he couldn't pay any of his uploaders for the last month of his survival & also had to shut it down. We even offered him to start it again without paying us the last month's earning, but both we & he knew that he couldn't survive with just only by traffics & some advertisers, with his huge amount of uploaders. (Btw, in my 10years of uploading experience, that host had the highest PPD rate that anyone can ever imagine now a days!)

Anyways, sorry for the long story. But I hope you've also understand my point of view as well :)

Again I'm making my point clear on this matter: I'm agree with Zap in this thing:
"Those ppl, who didn't make any sell at all are moved from PPD to PPS".

but Zap couldn't know if those PPD-Uploaders sold a few Premiums via Reseller.

It's his decision and it's o.k, if he paid all those PPD-Uploaders which now stuck between $ 10 and $ 24,99 (like Filevice did few weeks ago), that would make him trustworthy and give him a good reputation.

But he didn't and saves so all that money from this PPD-Uploaders and this is ofcourse not fair.

just when vat to change by premium 1 month I change to PPS without notice and it is unlikely this form of act of zap

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No problem mate... I'll give you the 1 month for $8

just when vat to change by premium 1 month I change to PPS without notice and it is unlikely this form of act of zap


Added after 4 minutes:


but Zap couldn't know if those PPD-Uploaders sold a few Premiums via Reseller

Resellers simply generate keys on our system... when a key is sold and put into use by a subscriber, we can tell who's using it and the affiliate ID, that might be attached to the subscriber. We've modified the system to do this... so tracking sales via resellers can be done.

Added after 13 minutes:
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It is not premium if I'm in PPS

return that money to the account I not told to change it


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You can have a Premium account in PPD or PPS ... makes no difference on a Premium account. It was my understanding that you wanted to buy a Premium account with the $8.80 in your account and you were 20 cents shy of the $9 deal. OK I'll change it back... cancelling the Premium account if you like.


It is not premium if I'm in PPS

return that money to the account I not told to change it


@ Zap : can you pay Moneybookers today? i have a request Paid but i don't received . i had problem paypal. In june , i don't have any proof :(

I sent Paylink the request to pay you via Moneybookers .. they don't work on weekends so hopefully Monday it'll be sent out.

@ zap:

r u planing to add a website earning feature for sale which would come from my site soon

Can you elaborate a bit more on what you're requesting here?
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