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I just tested from Thailand dl as unregistered user.
Getting nearly 100 KBytes/s which is plenty fast for free users. Many hosts give much lower than that.

Giving more speed will only attract more FREELOADERS who will never ever buy any premium anyway. It'll just let them get whatever they want faster and wasting bandwidth.

100 KB/s is about right to attract people to buy premium.
Yaa mate, I agree with you about the advantage thing of freeloaders .. :facepalm:
I just tested from Thailand dl as unregistered user.
Getting nearly 100 KBytes/s which is plenty fast for free users. Many hosts give much lower than that.

Giving more speed will only attract more FREELOADERS who will never ever buy any premium anyway. It'll just let them get whatever they want faster and wasting bandwidth.

100 KB/s is about right to attract people to buy premium.

Seeing Mole got it right! There is something I want to point out… there seems to be a misunderstanding on how some of you are reporting bandwidth. Kb is K bits per second. KB is K Bytes per second. (a Large B means Bytes !) There is 8 bits to one Byte so KB is 8 times faster then Kb Free users get 100KB which is 0.8 Mbps Registered users get 500KB which is 4 Mbps
Exactly, that's why I had to try myself to see if the fuzz was about bits or bytes. If it was bits, then of course that would be way too slow, but I was pleasantly surprised that it's actually Bytes, and quite OK.
Try now... I removed caps... now the same file can be downloaded unlimited times. There was a default cap of 200 and it seems some popular files just exceeded this.
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