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Reserving the spot for superlongassmotherfuckingragingbitching post.

All I'll say is, that any government that decides to go to war, needs to be resolved off their duties, because they are incapable to think and find peaceful solution.
If such a thing happens, they will do what China once did.. Kill the people. So chances of a Civil war = depending upon the real strength of the democratic minds. :)
Reserving the spot for superlongassmotherfuckingragingbitching post.

All I'll say is, that any government that decides to go to war, needs to be resolved off their duties, because they are incapable to think and find peaceful solution.

Every government goes to war. It's part of us being human and greedy.
Nice video SJ. The Government knows that there is going to come a time when the American people revolt. That's why they are running invasion practices for Nato on the East Coast, trying to remove as many guns and ammunition from the streets as possible, enforcing more restrictions and laws on us the people.

In the end our government is hypocritical. They will aid the rebels all across the globe, but when the day comes for us to rebel, they will try to shut us down any way they can. By mass manipulation, by increasing government jobs, by making this country a socialist nation powered by the government, rather than by the people.

Greed has taken over every single member of the house, senate and congress. Greed.
Oh, its not greed that has taken them. They have all been slowly working towards the same agenda, the people who are in government are not working for the people - they are working for the big corporations, the banks and those with the most influence. The people in government are more scared of the rich (the top 1%) than they are of the general population (99% of people).

The Obama administration is where they are speeding up on reaching their goal, and its becoming more and more obvious. When the rest of the sleeping population see how much they're getting assfucked by them, shit will go down.

EDIT. another good watch:
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