Other Two free sBorg accounts good till the end of this month

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MrSandvik i would do that but now days its hard to find someone that really doesnt have money to purchase one. They might say they dont have money but in reality they do and are jsut to cheap to get it. So i figured ill just give it to someone with the help of random.org.

Also people putting ill take it but not putting a number will not give you a chance to win this. you need to put a number
^ you could just view their other topics/posts to see if they do have money or if they do not :)

Anyway, it is a nice contribution and the random.org idea is a classic.
Number 24
I'm expecting my first fileserve payment in wednesday,so if you could give sborg to me just for four days (saturday,sunday,monday,tuesday) and when my fileserve payment arrives i will give it back to you!
i will be really grateful!
Thank you for the idea i just want to give it out and i saw alot of people used random.org and might as well use up the bandwidth on my last month before i stop paying for my server. I might do the same for the rest of demo sBorgs i had created still dont know pm me MrSandvik if oyu ahve any ideas on how i should go about giving the other demo accounts away for the next to weeks i still have the server.
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