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Active Member
Hey all,

Well since me and shareshiz don't have enough time to monitor our site anymore ( we are forced to sell it.

What we are running on : Our site is currently running on a lifetime tvstreamscript license w/ autoembeds plugin which auto ads tv shows.

Proof :

What you get?
If winning the bid you will receive the script with the plugin, hosting, 14k tv shows database, domain, and help if needed

Bidding Info

Starting price : $10
Increments: $ 5
Bin : ?

*Note* I have the right not to sell the site to the highest bidder, currently our sites views our low since sidereel has banned us. (Its easy to unban just contact them.) because of this I will sell parts of the site individually if someone wants.
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I can confirm that is very easy (or was?) to get 10K hits a day with this script. All you have to do is keep submitting the newest episodes daily to sidereel. Some days you will have less visitors as it all depends what tv shows are airing that night, For example on a saturday you might have very few hits as I think there are no good tv shows that night (correct me if Im wrong..)

but that traffic really isnt steady...

for the Dexter Finale of the past season I received 20K hits in one day after submitting it to sidereel. but after that it has all been wayyyyy less than that... maybe 1-2k as there are A LOT of sites who submit to sidereel...

You will have to keep making new accounts at as they ban you after having 2+ DMCA's. just make a new account and start submitting again..

If you do SEO...............backlinks and all that then you can have traffic from search engines instead of depending on sidereel.
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Thanks for the bid

Just a little update. Sidereel banned our site and our views are down. To unban all you have to do is contact them its easy. So right now im just selling the script + domain + auto embeds plugin + the 14k episode db. Il sell individually too.
PM me the final bid and I'll concider offering $10 than them. haha

btw, somethings rather fishy about your traffic. either way, I'm sure my seo will get it #1 in no time ;) :P
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